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Extending Partnerships Simon Asquith Chair of APTE

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Presentation on theme: "Extending Partnerships Simon Asquith Chair of APTE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extending Partnerships Simon Asquith Chair of APTE
Now what….?

2 The basic offer… BA(QTS) / BSc(QTS) / BEd PGCE / SCITT
GTP / RTP / Teach First / Teach Now ABR / OTTP

3 In 2008…

4 Training Routes - Primary
HEI SCITT EBITT No of Providers No of Students %Postgraduate Undergraduate Postgraduate TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)

5 Training Routes - Primary
TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)

6 Training Routes - Secondary
HEI SCITT EBITT No of Providers No of Students %Postgraduate Undergraduate Postgraduate TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)

7 Training Routes - Secondary
TDA Teacher Training Profiles (2008)

8 …so…

9 What if… Reduced / Removed Undergraduate? …and/or…
Reduced funding by public purse of non-QTS first degrees?... (… and postgraduate ITE??) Expansion of school/employer-based routes? …or… HEI cluster solutions? HEI embedded solutions?

10 …future scenarios?

11 Cultural Pedagogical Subject Organisational Reduce/ Remove UG Reduce public funding of 1st degrees Expand school/emp-based routes HEI cluster solutions HEI embedded solutions

12 …a culture of partnership?


14 Some themes for the next 12 months
APTE Some themes for the next 12 months

15 Ready for conference 2011 System leadership within a changing teacher education environment Partnership with academy schools Teach First / Teach Now SEN – NASC / Dyslexia, etc What curricula are we preparing our students to teach? A synthesis on phonics!

16 Ready for conference 2011 Partnership with Free Schools
Are we raising the status of teaching? Sharing cluster-based approaches – ITE and CPD

17 5th – 6th July 2010 Thank you for your participation
We look forward to seeing you at our next conference 5th – 6th July 2010 Have a safe journey.

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