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Quiz On Library Week (14-20 Nov 2017)

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1 Quiz On Library Week (14-20 Nov 2017)
Krndriya Vidyalaya Sitapur

2 Q.1 Recently the EVOLA VIRUS disease was reported in which country of Africa? a. Luanda b. Nigeria c. Liberia d. Ghana

3 c. Liberia

4 Q. 2 Where is the Head Quarter of ISRO. a. Mumbai b. Hyderabad c
Q.2 Where is the Head Quarter of ISRO? a. Mumbai b. Hyderabad c. Bangalore d. Chennai

5 c. Bangalore

6 Q. 3 The first antibiotic medicine of the world was discovered by. a
Q.3 The first antibiotic medicine of the world was discovered by ? a. Stephen Fleming b. Alexander Fleming c. Charles Darwin d. D lamark

7 b. Alexander Fleming

8 Q. 4 What is the new name of Planning Commission of India. a
Q.4 What is the new name of Planning Commission of India? a. Vidhi Aayog b. Yojana Aayog c. Niti Aayog d. Riti Aayog

9 c. Niti Aayog

10 Q.5 Name the fist IIT’s of India started from which place? a. Mumbai b. Chennai c. Delhi d. Khadagpur

11 d. Khadagpur

12 Q. 6 Who was the first chairman of Indian National Congress. a
Q. 6 Who was the first chairman of Indian National Congress.? a. Jawahar Lal Nehru b. Motilal Nehru c. A O Hume d. W. C .Benarji

13 d. W. C .Benarji

14 Q. 7 The disease Malaria is caused by which micro-organism. a
Q.7 The disease Malaria is caused by which micro-organism ? a. Plasmodium b. Voucheria c. Bacteria d. Virus

15 a. Plasmodium

16 Q.8 Where is the head quarter of Central Building Research Institute in India? a. Roorkee b. New Delhi c. Hyderabad d. Bangalore

17 a. Roorkee

18 Q. 9 What is the full form of RAW the secret agency of India. a
Q.9 What is the full form of RAW the secret agency of India? a. Research and work b. Research and Analysis Wing c. Research Analysis Wing d. Research work

19 b. Research and Analysis Wing

20 Q.10 Name the plant which is grow in India and used as a bio-fuels( Dissels ) in automobiles? a. Caster oil plant b. Jatropha c. Benola d. Palm Oil

21 b. Jatropha

22 Q.11 Name the chemicals which is used in LPG gas as leakage identifier? a. Ethyl mercaptan b. Methyl mercaptan c. N Butane d. Pentane

23 a. Ethyl mercaptan

24 Q. 12 The NASA situated in USA establish in which year. a. 1956 b
Q.12 The NASA situated in USA establish in which year? a b c d. 1959

25 c. 1958

26 Q.13 Which national park of India is famous for the protection of white Tiger? a. Sariska b. Nandan Kanhan c. Dudhawa d. Kanha Kisle

27 b. Nandan Kanhan

28 Q. 14 The Reserve Bank of India establish in which year. a. 1936 b
Q.14 The Reserve Bank of India establish in which year? a b c d.1925

29 c. 1935

30 Q. 15 The Serengeti bio-reserve is situated in which country. a
Q.15 The Serengeti bio-reserve is situated in which country? a. Kenya b. Tanzania c. Nigeria d. Luanda

31 b. Tanzania

32 Q. 16 the chemical composition of LPG is. a. Methane & Butane b
Q.16 the chemical composition of LPG is..? a. Methane & Butane b. Propane c. Propane & Butane d. Butane

33 c. Propane & Butane

34 Q.17 The live telecast of colour picture through DD India is started in which year’s? a b c d. 1984

35 b. 1982

36 Q.18 Which measuring instrument is used for the measurement height of Airplanes? a. Tachometer b. Fathometer c. Altimeter d. Periscope

37 c. Altimeter

38 Q. 18 Who gave the slogan ‘’ Do or die’’. a. Subhas Ch. Bose b
Q.18 Who gave the slogan ‘’ Do or die’’? a. Subhas Ch. Bose b. Mahatma Gandhi c. Jawahar Lal Nehru d. Sardar Patel

39 b. Mahatma Gandhi

40 Q. 20 The terms china-man is related with which games. a. Hockey b
Q.20 The terms china-man is related with which games? a. Hockey b. Kabaddi c. Foot Ball d. Cricket

41 d. Cricket

42 Q. 21 The World longest train service is occurs in which country. a
Q.21 The World longest train service is occurs in which country? a. Russia b. China c. America d. Britain

43 a. Sent Petersburg to Leningrad (Russia)

44 Q. 22 What is the chemical formula of laughing gas
Q.22 What is the chemical formula of laughing gas ? (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Sulphur dioxide (C) Nitrogen Dioxide (d) Nitrous oxide

45 (d) Nitrous oxide

46 Q. 23 The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is
Q.23 The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is.? (A) ethane (B) ethylene (C) Acetylene (D) oxytocine

47 (C) Acetylene

48 Q. 24 the 2, 4-D is used in large scale of Agriculture as a
Q.24 the 2, 4-D is used in large scale of Agriculture as a..? (A) an insecticide (B) an explosive (C) a fungicide (D) a herbicide

49 (D) a herbicide

50 Q. 25 Ujjain is situated at the bank of which river
Q.25 Ujjain is situated at the bank of which river..? (A) Chambal river (B) Kschipra river (C) Godavari river (D) Narmada river

51 (B) Kschipra river

52 Q.26 Chilika lake one of the India's largest marine water lake is situated in which state..? (A) West Bengal (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Orissa (D) Tamil Nadu

53 (C) Orissa

54 Q. 27 Who of the following discovered America in 1492. a
Q.27 Who of the following discovered America in ? a. Vasko Digamma b. Christopher Colombes c. Marco polo d. Magellan

55 b. Christopher Colombes

56 Q. 28 What is the chemical formula of marsh gas. a. NH2CONH2 b. CH4 c
Q.28 What is the chemical formula of marsh gas ? a. NH2CONH2 b. CH c. K2SO d. MgS

57 b. CH4

58 Q. 29 Where is the Head Quarter of UNICEF. a. Vienna b. London c
Q.29 Where is the Head Quarter of UNICEF ? a. Vienna b. London c. Paris d. New York

59 d. New York

60 Q. 30 What is the capital of Vietnam. a. Bindak b. Suva c. Luanda d
Q.30 What is the capital of Vietnam .? a. Bindak b. Suva c. Luanda d. Hanoi

61 d. Hanoi

62 Q.31 Who discovered electron ? a. Sir James Chadwick b. J. J. Thomson c. Rather ford d. Madam Cure

63 b. J. J. Thomson

64 Q. 32 Where is the birth place of Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri. a
Q.32 Where is the birth place of Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri.. ? a. Varanasi b. Lucknow c. Allahabad d. Patna

65 a. Varanasi

66 Q. 33 The Noble Prize was started from which year. a. 1913 b. 1901 c
Q.33 The Noble Prize was started from which year? a b c d. 1801

67 b. 1901

68 Q.34 The first Indian freedom movement was started from which place.? a. Lucknow b. Jhansi c. Meerut d. Bairakpur

69 d. Bairakpur

70 Q. 35 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre situated in which city of India. a
Q.35 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre situated in which city of India.? a. Mumbai b. Chennai c. Nagpur d. Amarawati

71 a. Mumbai

72 Q. 36 The first engineering college started in India from which place
Q.36 The first engineering college started in India from which place ? a. Khadakpur b. Roorkee c. Mumbai d. Kanpur

73 b. Roorkee

74 Q. 37 The first Asian games was started from which place. a. Tokyo b
Q.37 The first Asian games was started from which place? a. Tokyo b. Bezing c. New Delhi d. Jakarta

75 c. New Delhi

76 Q.38 Which scientist discovered the heart transplant for the first time .? a. Christen Bernard b. U N Brhmachari c. Ronald Ross d. Advert Jenner

77 a. Christen Bernard

78 Q. 39 Name the first Indian women win the Gyanpeeth Award …. a
Q.39 Name the first Indian women win the Gyanpeeth Award ….? a. Maha Devi Verma b. Ashapurna Devi c. Arundhati Rai d. Kiran Desai

79 b. Ashapurna Devi

80 Q. 40 Who discovered X-rays. a. Ronjetan b. Advert Jenner c
Q.40 Who discovered X-rays ? a. Ronjetan b. Advert Jenner c. Ronald Ross d. Luis Posture

81 a. Ronjetan

82 Q.41 What is the chemical formula of urea? a. KMnO4 b. K2SO4 c. NaOH d. NH2CONH2

83 d. NH2CONH2

84 Q. 42 Where is the Head Quarter of UNESCO. a. Vienna b. New York c
Q.42 Where is the Head Quarter of UNESCO ? a. Vienna b. New York c. London d. Paris

85 d. Paris

86 Q. 44 Where is the Head Quarter of UNO. a. New York b. Geneva c
Q.44 Where is the Head Quarter of UNO ? a. New York b. Geneva c. London d. Paris

87 a. New York

88 Q. 45 What is the capital of Canada. a. Edinburg b. Ethiopia c
Q.45 What is the capital of Canada.? a. Edinburg b. Ethiopia c. Nairobi d. Ottawa

89 d. Ottawa

90 Q.46 The first Indian freedom movement was started in 1857 on which date.? a. 11 May b. 10 May c. 8 August d. 8 July

91 b. 10 May

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