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It’s a Dog’s life! Buster… House/dog sitting. hated him all his life. Pain as an inquisitive pup, dragging me … Walking older good dog Buster ‘I could.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a Dog’s life! Buster… House/dog sitting. hated him all his life. Pain as an inquisitive pup, dragging me … Walking older good dog Buster ‘I could."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a Dog’s life! Buster… House/dog sitting. hated him all his life. Pain as an inquisitive pup, dragging me … Walking older good dog Buster ‘I could have one”. Dogs get bad write up in Bible. Beware of Dogs (Titus) Don’t give kids’ food to dogs.

2 What’s your favourite dog?
For a lot of noise? For a guard dog? For a friend? For cute factor?

3 What’s kind of dog would you like to be?

4 “A dog is man’s best friend”

5 A. Rottweiler What is he like? What is he good for?
Fierce, scary, bold Good guard dog (killed thief in Lima! Buyers wanted to have him!)

6 Spiritual application – When should I be like a Rottweiler?
Guard your heart Prov. 4:23 Guard your mouth Prov. 13:3, Ps 141:3 Guard your faith Jude 3, 2 Tim 4:7 Guard your calling 2 Peter 1:10 Jesus expected disciples to understand his parables Mouth – don’t speak if God has not give permission. Faith must be tested so must be guarded Prophet who went back when God had told him not to. Eaten by lion. Don’t let someone else interpret your calling. You are in full time ministry! Stop wasting it in bars and clubs! When facing temptation or the devil we should show our Rottweiler face! Show me your Rottweiler face.

7 B. Labrador What is he like? What is he good for?
Loyal, loving, (Buster was out in rain – I dried him unwillingly and he was loving it) hard working, faithful. Good for kids, family, companionship (“I could have a dog” on way out for walk. After cleaning up 3 times I was back to hating him.. I could never have a dog! And eating slippers!

8 Spiritual application – When should I be like a Labrador?
Loyal heart I Chron. 29:9, 19 Love Deut. 6:5 1st & 2nd Faithful to the end Rev 2:10 etc Loyal – giving and obeying When facing God we should show our Labrador face! Puppy eyes (just fed him then he comes begging) God wants those puppy eyes turned to him. Loving others - Rottweiler drivers in China. Me first in line

9 C. Poodle What is he like? What is he good for?
Spiritual poodle – perm? Poser? Cute, fluffy, powdery, gentle. Good for … nothing?! Being attractive as an accessory!

10 Spiritual application – When should I be like a poodle?
Good deeds attract Matt 5:16 Love John 13:33 Tell others Dan 12:3 – shine! Lights attract moths. When facing others we should show our Poodle face! Job – Man’s wisdom makes face shine Eccl A man’s face shines because of wisdom Moses – shiny face (40 days). Sunset moonrise Love – Unanswered birthday from Naomi. I’m not a dog lover but I want to be a spiritual poodle. Shine like stars Richard wormbrand Not enough to be little light – shine like a little Jesus World is going to hell and needs lights in normal jobs (not just pastors)

11 Buster’s demise Good and faithful servant!
Good dog! Good and faithful servant! Matthew 25:21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ Sad story. I don’t like dogs. Did I tell you already? Known buster since puppyhood. Slipper story. Shouting Arrived home, no greeting at door, not on rug in living room, Dead in kitchen. Did I feel, ‘yes, he’s gone!’ No! Tim said, I can’t believe how I feel about that dog! That’s how God feels about the lost dying Sense of loss when dog died. We say He was a good dog. Precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints Leah ‘can’t wait to get home to see Buster’ She never did.

12 IV. Conclusion When facing temptation or the devil we should show our Rottweiler face! When facing God we should show our Labrador face! When facing others we should show our Poodle face!

13 Authentic Christian Living
Question of the year: Are you living an authentic Christian life? Authentic Christian Living = Living a Dog’s Life!

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