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Census planning and management
United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses International Standards and Contemporary Technologies Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 25-28 June 2018 Census planning and management By: Sok Kosal DDG, NIS Cambodia
Contents of the presentation
Background of census in Cambodia Why need the census? Institutional Framework Implementation framework Recruitment Enu’s and Sup’s Training of Census Officers Data Processing Quality Assurance Timeline for 2019 Census Expected Outcomes Budget Summary by main activities Budget required by year and gaps Current Progress Next Steps Activities Key Challenges
1. Background of census in Cambodia
1st Census In 1962 2nd Census in 1998 3rd Census in 2008 4th Census in 2019 Fully funded & implemented by the Government 1998 census conducted with funding & technical support from UNFPA Funded by UNFPA, Government of Federal Republic of Germany, JICA, Government of Japan and RGC 70% funded by RGC, 30% gap in funding Technical assistance (RGC & UNFPA)
2. Why need the census? Nationwide Population and Household count, with vital statistics and with additional data collections. International Recommendations : Once every 10 years Statistical Law Need for a census: Population dynamics: population growth, migration, urbanization, family structure, and population projection, youth bulge, and emerging issues like ageing… Planning and Development: Statistical information on population is a critical element in supporting national development frameworks and monitoring: sectoral policies, plans as well as SDGs. Reference database of villages and households: smaller area estimation to look at issues of inequity, CDHS, CIPS, Food and Agricultural survey, Nutrition studies, Economic Surveys, number of children to be vaccinated, monitoring, and many more. Adm and Governance: update of districts/khan, communes/sangkat and villages, decentralisation, identification of the electorate, number of provinces, budget allocations to provinces, poor identification, urban reclassification ../
3. Institutional Framework
3. Institutional Framework (Cont.)
The National Census Committee (NCC) for Census 2019 (chaired by HE Sar Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and one Secretary of State form line ministry and relevant government institution as member). Technical Census Committees for 2019 Population Census (chair Senior Minister, Minister of Planning and member from line ministries) Municipality and Provincial Census Committees for Census 2019 with the governors of the municipality and province as chairperson. Local authorities like district, commune and village also member of the census committees
4. Implementation framework
Preparatory Work Enumeration Data Processing Evaluation of Result Analysis of result Dissemination of the results Census
5. Recruitment Enu’s and Sup’s
The census enumeration will be employ about 37,000 enumerators who interview every household. At the rate of one field supervisor to guide and oversee the work of four enumerators, about 9,000 supervisors will be appointed. One supervisor will be responsible for the work of 4 enumerators. Supervisors will be drawn from government officers and teachers. The enumerators will select from the local people particularly baccalaureate student and primary teacher
6. Training of Census Officers
First Level of Training at NIS for MOP/NIS Officers, ROs/AROs (125 persons) Second Level of Training at NIS for Province Directors of Census and Staffs (50 persons) Third Level of Training in Province for Trainers of Field Staffs /PCOs (1200 persons) by ROs / AROs Fourth Level of Training in District for Enumerators, Supervisors /Other staffs (About 50,000 persons) Training of Staff The efficiency of field workers and the quality of the collected data will heavily depend on the training programmes for various census activities, especially fieldwork. The training programmes will be structured at four different levels.
7. Data Processing The staff of the data processing division has sufficient training and experience in using this software. Short-term consultancies may be required to review each stage of data processing. The 2018 Census preparations have commenced very early. A total of 100 office-editors/coders will be engaged in the process to be completed in about nine months and data entry will be completed in about nine months about 150 data entry operators may require The data entry CSPro software will be used. CONCOR of IMPS program will be adopted for data cleaning and tabulation will be done using CENTS. We will use the hand help device (Tablet) for PES data collection under guideline from NBS of China
8. Quality assurance strategy
QA will actively be managed across all phases of the census from planning, collection, processing, data evaluation, and to creation of census results/key thematic reports. The Nat’l Census Comt, the Census Tech Comt, Prov Census Comt and the Census Publicity Comt hold regular meetings and periodically monitor the progress of census activities. Quality control and monitoring techniques will be introduced to control the quality of the enumeration. Effective monitoring of field activities will be ensured by deputing officers/officials of ROs, AROs, PCO, DCO and CCO. Supervisors required to enumerate households independently, match them with the enumerator’s records, and furnish the results of matching in a separate form and take steps to guide the enumerators. Key stakeholders and DPs recommended to join field observation and report the quality of the census Verification will cover around 10% of all household questionnaires. NIS will prepare Annual Reports, Annual Review, Mid-term Review, Quarterly Certificate of Expenditure, and terminal report.
9. Timeline for 2019 Census Major Activities for 2019 Census 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Initial Census Preparation Census Committee Meetings Technical and Administrative Staff Study Tour of staff In-house Training of Staff Communication Pretest Pilot Census Mapping and EA delineation Printing all Census Materials Publicity and Census Advocacy Field Worker's Equipment Census Fieldwork Post-Enumeration Survey Data Processing Equipment Data Processing Office equipment Census Vehicles (RGC) Fuel for Census Vehicles and Maintenance Cost Workshops Training of Census officers Training of Enumerator and Supervisor at Province Transport of materials Preparation of census report Publications/ Dissemination International Technical Assistance
10. Expected Outcomes The following are possible key thematic analyses/monographs to be considered: Fertility and mortality Population growth and change in spatial distribution Nuptiality Gender and age composition Disability Migration Literacy and educational attainment Economic activity and employment Ageing and living condition Housing amenity Family and households Women in Cambodia Urban Development in Cambodia Population Projections 15. Others (ethnic minority,..)
11. Budget Summary by main activities Census cost = 0.47 US$ per head
Items Main Activities Budget Requirement Gov't commitment UNFPA Commitment Budget Gap 1 Capacity Development (study tour & in-house training) 150,000 - 25,000 125,000 2 Preparation Census tools 105,375 41,676 21,962 41,737 3 Census Cartography and EA delineation 695,765 646,209 36,330 13,226 4 Census Vehicles 956,500 71,468 885,032 5 Training Packages 2,137,935 1,693,566 20,330 424,039 6 Printing, Distribute, Packages and Delivery 1,182,400 456,150 726,250 7 Census Advocacy 573,500 340,000 98,500 135,000 8 Census Enumeration of Fieldwork 4,346,000 4,116,770 229,230 9 Post-Enumeration Survey 129,594 109,571 20,023 10 Manual Data Processing 246,642 92,710 11,457 142,475 11 Writing Report, Translation, printing and dissemination 492,150 13,500 478,650 12 Preparation and administrative 154,350 13 Communication, maintenances and opening ceremony 494,300 31,500 462,800 14 Technical Assistances 140,000 Total 11,804,511 7,599,620 367,079 3,837,812 CONTINGENCY 2 % 235,890 12,040,401 4,073,702
12. Budget required by year
Items Estimated Budget for 2019 Census Total (US dollar) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Budget required by Year 51,104 46,382 785,319 3,241,110 7,367,469 212,517 336,500 12,040,401 Budget Gap by Year 82,769 1,967,744 1,492,472 194,217 4,073,702 Govt commitment (1) 7,599,620 UNFPA commitment (2) 367,079 Total Submitted to MEF (1+2) 7,966,699 GAP (based on original budget) 4,073,702 Total Budget (with Contingency 2 %) 12,040,401
13. Current Progress Establishment of National and Technical Census Committees Census Plan including resource requirements was available. Series of resource mobilization conducted but still in gaps. Sub-Decree on the Conduct Census approved by the RGC. Census questionnaires, enumeration and supervision manuals (English & Khmer) reviewed, edited, tested and finalized through wider consultation process with data users.
Field mapping and EA delineation been done.
13. Current Progress…………… The country-wide collection of information about special settlements ( prisons, factories, army barracks, newly formed villages) and geographical codes for the census completed. Validation of the geographical codes with sub-national levels have been done. Field mapping and EA delineation been done. Resource mobilization (negative support)
Series National Census Committee meeting
13. Current Progress…………… Series National Census Committee meeting Establish Census Committees at Sub-national levels Establish Census Publicity Committee Conduct Pilot Census
14. Next Steps Activities Develop of publicity materials
Conduct Data Users consultation to discuss priority tables and analysis of data to develop tabulation and data processing plan Draft PES questionnaires, sample selection and screening of staff for PES Conduct ToT on Field Census Enumeration Training at national and Sub-national levels Recruit Census Supervisors and Enumerators for provincial level Provides training at all level requirement Printing all Census forms, questionnaires , manuals and their related documents Commence Census Advocacy and Publicity campaign Data collection Data processing and reporting
Selecting field staffs
15. Key Challenges Budgeting Selecting field staffs Special settlements (prisons, factories, army barracks……) Urbanization Migration Technical staffs Collaboration between Gov’t and Development partners Misunderstanding results
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