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Take out your Rough conclusion and your bibliography cards.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your Rough conclusion and your bibliography cards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your Rough conclusion and your bibliography cards.
Do now: Take out your Rough conclusion and your bibliography cards.

2 Put the following words in alphabetical order.
That Help He Low Was Line For On Just Form Much Great Turn Are cause Before

3 Answers: Are Just Before Line Cause Low For Much Form On Great That He
Help Just Line Low Much On That Turn Was

4 Put the following words in alphabetical order.
tea troublesome torture teapot the train there titanic total totally tote toy tack tacky ten trillion

5 Answers: tack tacky tea teapot ten the there titanic torture total
totally tote toy train trillion troublesome

6 Works consulted page This simply your bibliography cards hand written on loose leaf. However, when you write them on the loose leaf they MUST BE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. And the format should be right.

7 On the Works consulted page you should not:
Write your source numbers And you should not write what kind of source it is.

8 Cover Page Must Include
The title of your wonder Your name My name Sixth Grade English The due date **A picture is optional**

9 What it should look like.

10 The Great Wall of China By Little Johnny Mr. Putnam Sixth Grade English 2/15/12

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