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Spelling and Vocabulary Quiz 11/18/16

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1 Spelling and Vocabulary Quiz 11/18/16

2 Homework Read for 30 minutes I-Station: 30 minutes per week
Review Spelling (Quiz next Friday) Vocabulary 4 Square due Next Friday: 11/18

3 Spelling Words future beauty movies value humor museum avenue produce
amuse youth humid remove prove costume rescue unit annual suit include continue

4 Vocabulary Quiz 11/18/16 ban: 1. (V.) To forbid something with an official order beneficial: (Adj.) Helpful; favorable contribute: (V.) To give something of value along with others; to help bring something about culprit: (N.) A person who is guilty of committing a crime or doing something wrong. epidemic: (N.) An occurrence of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly among a large number of people over a wide area. imperative: (Adj.) Absolutely necessary or required oppose: (V.) To be against something populace: (N.) The people who live in a country or area

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