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Making the right selections Guidance will be provided

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Presentation on theme: "Making the right selections Guidance will be provided"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the right selections Guidance will be provided

2 A time of change….. Old GCSE Grades U G F E D C B A A* New GCSE Grades
U G F E D C B A A* New GCSE Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3 X A time of change….. 5 A*-C including English And Maths
Progress 8 and Attainment 8

4 The KS4 Curriculum Core subjects Pathway subjects

5 Core Subjects Everyone will study these subjects English: 2 GCSEs
Maths: 1 GCSE Science: Combined or Triple Science Key Life Skills Core PE

6 Subject List - GCSEs History, Geography, French, Spanish, Computer Science Art, Graphics, Dance, Drama, Music, Food Preparation and Nutrition, PE Media, Sociology

7 Subject List - Vocational
Enterprise Health and Social Care Information Technologies Construction - available by invitation only

8 Students have been selected for either:
Pathway 1 or Pathway 2

9 Pathway 1 History or Geography French or Spanish
Two others to choose and 2 reserves

10 Pathway 1

11 Pathway 2 History or Geography or French or Spanish or Computer Science Three others to choose and 2 reserves

12 Pathway 2

13 What to consider Your future progression Subjects you enjoy
Subjects you make good progress in Your experiences in years 7 and 8 What your friends are doing Which teachers you like

14 What next? Individual guidance conversations
Deadline Tuesday 26th February Option Blocks Created Informed of your subjects

15 Academy Councillor Vacancy (Governors)

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