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Nuts and Bolts 2009-2010 Rev. 10-12-06.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuts and Bolts 2009-2010 Rev. 10-12-06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuts and Bolts Rev

2 Testing Windows Fall OTL Testing: Reading, Math, Science
October 5 to January 15 Spring Testing: Reading & Math February 17 to April 13 Open to May 13 for 9th and 10th graders Equating will be necessary No delay in getting results back

3 Testing Windows—Spring, 2010 (continued)
Spring Testing: Science March 17 to May 7 Open to May 13 for 9th and 10th graders KELPA: February 5 to April 30 Answer sheets due by May 14 Alternate: December 31 to April 13 Scores must be entered by April 30

4 KIDS Test Submission Deadlines
Reading, Math, Science, and KELPA Opens September 1 Deadline for submission one week prior to start of test KELPA Deadline for pre-slugging is January 8. Alternate Deadline is December 31 Submit early to access indicators and tools at

5 Question What is the big deal with pre-slugging deadline? Can’t I order KELPA answer sheets and hand code them? When will the new ESOL Standards and the new KELPA be available?

6 Length of Testing Window
Length of window is “hard and fast” this year. Plan to get all kids tested by deadline. We will provide only one week for make-ups. Call me early with kids who need SC codes. Don’t forget to call if we can help with a problem.

7 Question What will really happen if we don’t complete all testing within the window? How can I assure that this doesn’t happen? What could possibly go wrong? I’m scheduling into the week after the window closes.

8 Question I had two kids for make-up. One tested, but the other was sick again all week. We are already at our 5%. I know you’re not going to give me any more time. What can we do?

9 “Need Not Test” Date On or after December 31 for Alternate
On or after February 12 for Reading and Mathematics, both General and KAMM On or after March 12 for Science, both General and KAMM

10 Question May I test these kids if I want to? I want to see how well they are doing.

11 SC Codes That Must Be Coded by KSDE
SC 30—No effort on the part of the student Document three tries Cannot be given for a complete paper SC 33—Student refuses to be tested

12 Question Give some examples of what it is I am supposed to document.
Try 1 Try 2 Try 3 Janet didn’t put forth any effort on Part I, but she did on Part 2 and Part 3. However, it wasn’t enough. She still scored at Approaches Standard. What can I do?

13 Others Coded by KSDE SC 39—Other reason (does not count against the school). SC 29—Emotional Trauma SC 08—Catastrophic Illness

14 Question Does SC-29 exempt the student from testing?
Why can’t we code SC-29?

15 Recently Arrived Students
Must be in a US school for the first time by one calendar year before the testing window begins On or after 2/17/09 for reading and math On or after 3/17/09 for science These students need not take the reading assessment if they take the KELPA These students must take math and science, but these are only counted for participation All these students must take KELPA Call us if a student has a significant disability.

16 Question Are there any special circumstances for Recently Arrived?
What do I do if I have one? I have a student from England. Can she take the reading assessment?

17 Incomplete Papers Important to call KSDE ( ) when student begins a test and then moves. Test is counted as complete if 1/3 of the test is finished (counted AND graded). Papers will be “Academic Warning” if you don’t call. Do not ask students to start tests if they will be leaving before testing is complete.

18 Question By what date do I need to call about an incomplete paper?

19 Important Ethics Issues
Comprehensive reviews may not be conducted on the day of the testing session or between testing sessions. It is recommended that testing be administered on consecutive days. Even if it is not, reviews cannot be conducted between the testing sessions. Once you begin testing, reviews need to stop.

20 Important Ethics Issues (continued)
Schools may not require students use any particular instructional strategy when testing. For example….. Teachers may not require students to use scratch paper. Teachers may not require students to show work. Teachers may not grade scratch paper.

21 Question So can I teach math during the testing window?
I just had a little to finish in my comprehensive review in math. May I finish? May I say, “I like the way John is using the highlighter.”?

22 Question Why can’t I grade the scratch paper? It’s a great motivator!
You keep saying that we should test as closely as possible to classroom instruction. I have insisted on scratch paper and “show your work” all year! Why can’t they do it now?

23 Closing of Student Data Editor
Student data editor will close one week after the end of the testing window. January 22 for Fall OTL April 20 for reading, math, and alternate May 14 for science May 20 for 9th and 10th Grade OTL May 7 for KELPA SC Codes MUST be entered by that time.

24 Question Why do I have to put all these codes in by a certain time? What if I don’t?

25 Alternate Assessment Changes
New Extended Standards MUST be used for this school year. All indicators will be open to each student this year because indicators have been renumbered. Previous restrictions on indicators go back into effect in

26 Alternate Assessment Changes (continued)
All indicators must be entered by December 31, 2009. Students new to a school after December 31, 2009 need not be assessed. The CETE evidence labels have been revised and must be used this year. When choosing indicators for science, choose one each from the first four standards and the last indicators from any of the standards.

27 Alternate Assessment Changes (continued)
Administrators must sign off before testing to assure that No functional activities are used Indicators are aligned to activities, and Only assessable activities are used Sign-off is on the first page of the printed evidence labels.

28 Alternate Assessment Changes (continued)
Administrators must sign off before scores are entered to assure that People serving as scorers do not enter any scores at CETE Scoring is done independently, confidentially, and are sent to recorder individually Scores are only given to evidence provided Sign-off is on scoring sheet

29 Question What is the reason for all these alternate assessment changes? Indicators entered by 12/31/09 Administrator sign-offs What kind of administrator can sign off?

30 OTL Report Changes Two new dropdown menus will be added
“All Students” that includes all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students for whom a TEST record has been submitted. “Priority Alert” A report that will display priority students with no test type designated on a TEST record. The local student ID, when present, will be displayed.

31 Question So—if I have no students listed on the priority alert report—no worries? Right?

32 Test Security Update All test coordinators must receive training and maintain documentation of local training on test security. Local (district and/or building) test coordinators will be in charge of building and district test security. State-trained monitors will monitor testing sessions in 5-10% of buildings. Buildings will send testing schedules to KSDE by February 1 and edit them when necessary.

33 Test Security Update (continued)
District test coordinator will keep documentation of all read-aloud and p/p accommodations used. Consequences for improprieties Informal request to test coordinator Second visit Letter to superintendent KSDE will compile results and look for patterns. Results will be available for the next federal monitoring visit.

34 Test Security Update (continued)
Monitors will check to make sure that students taking KAMM have an IEP standards-based measurable goal in the content area in both reading and math. Goals need to be content-specific and based on grade-level standards. When the content area is either science or history/government, the standards-based goal in the IEP must be a reading goal.

35 Question Do I (the test coordinator) need to provide local training?
Who are the state-trained monitors? Where do we send the assessment schedules? How will we be able to edit them? Why is this so formal? Has someone been cheating?

36 Question Why does the district test coordinator need to keep documentation on read-alouds and paper/pencil? How much documentation should we send? When the student has a KAMM for science, can he have a standards-based measurable goal for science in the IEP as well has the one for reading?

37 Question Do students who are categorized as having a severe emotional disturbance and have an IEP that focuses on behavior, need to have a reading or math content area goal if they are participating in KAMM?

38 Paper/Pencil Accommodation
All students are expected to be assessed with KCA If an individual student requires a paper/pencil accommodation, a Special Action Request must be generated by either building or district personnel. This accommodation must be routinely used in classroom instruction and assessment.

39 Paper/Pencil Accommodation (continued)
Questions to ask about the child: Has the student used the computer for formative assessment(s)? Does the student have barriers to using the computer in individual or group instructional settings that require alternative assignments when the class is using the computer?

40 Paper/Pencil Accommodation (continued)
Student’s need for the paper/pencil accommodation must be documented on one of the following plans: Student Improvement Plan ELL Plan 504 Plan IEP

41 Paper/Pencil Accommodation (continued)
Student improvement plans must include the following: Student name Student grade Building/district name Evidence documenting the need for the paper/pencil accommodation

42 Paper/Pencil Accommodation (continued)
Students mark their answers on the paper copy of the assessment. No answer sheets may be generated by a district. District or building-level personnel will work in pairs to enter student answer choices on KCA.

43 Question Are there really no exceptions?
Why do we need to have an SAR for a paper/pencil accommodation? In a pinch may I input answer choices on my own rather than in a pair?

44 Options for Read-Aloud and KCA Voice
Option 1: Individual student, KCA form with reader Option 2: Individual student, KCA form, KCA voice Option 3: Individual student, paper/pencil accommodation, reader Option 4: Group (never more than 3), paper/pencil accommodation with reader Option 5: Group (never more than 3), KCA with reader

45 Question Which options require SARs?

46 Scripts Available for math, science, and reading questions and answers in Spring, 2010. Scripts will not be available to readers until 24 hours before the assessment. Districts must provide a brief training for readers. Staff development materials are posted on the KSDE Assessment page.

47 Question When will these scripts be available?
When I called the State last year, they said I could read off the computer screen. May I do that again this year? We didn’t have to have a training last year. Why do we have to have one this year?

48 KCA Voice Students will not be able to highlight only certain parts of the text to be read. Available for $7.50 per computer. Multiple students can use the same license as long as they use the same computer. License must be requested and purchased for each computer. License must be purchased only once. It will remain installed and can be used each year only with KCA software.

49 KCA Voice (continued) Licenses can be requested on CETE Main Page under 2010 Registration. Contact person works with CETE to get software downloaded.

50 Process for KCA Voice or Reader
No application to KSDE is required KSDE will approve or disapprove all group special action requests Special action requests must be for one option, one content area, and one grade only. Special action requests are necessary only for group read-aloud and for paper/pencil accommodation.

51 Question I got some licenses last year for some computers. Do I have to get new ones again this year for the same computers?

52 Special Action Requests
Found on KCA Main Page, CETE website, Necessary for only two things: Paper/pencil accommodation Group Read-Aloud accommodation If a group read-aloud with paper/pencil accommodation is needed, one SAR will suffice for both the script (read-aloud) and the pdf copy (paper/pencil).

53 Submitting Records to KIDS
Submit TEST records early so that A student can participate in Fall OTL testing The selection of alternate assessment indicators can be accomplished The OTL spreadsheet can be populated KSDE will conduct daily audits of submissions to the KIDS database. Audits will examine the accuracy and timeliness of the records submitted.

54 Question What happens if we don’t stay up-to-date?

55 Guidelines for Submitting Exit Records
Schools must submit an EXIT record for any student who stops attending the school within two weeks of the student’s last day of enrollment. Submit EXIT records immediately when students exit and are known not to be returning. If a student is absent from school for ten days or more, submit an EXIT record if the student is not known to be returning.

56 Guidelines for Submitting Exit Records (continued)
If a student is exited through KIDS and returns before 10 school days have lapsed, resubmit the EXIT record with a code “99.” If a student transfers to a different school within the same district, sending an EXIT record is required to guard against unresolved exits on the Dropout/ Graduation Summary Report.

57 Guidelines for Submitting Exit Records (continued)
If an EXIT record was accidentally submitted for a student who did not actually leave, submit an EXIT record with the same State Student Identifier, AYP School, and Exit Date with a code of “99” in field D28 to undo the previous EXIT record. When exited students re-enter (>2wks) be sure to update school and district entry dates.

58 Question My district just cannot submit EXITS in a timely fashion. What should I do?

59 Registering Students for Read-Aloud and/or Paper/Pencil
General Assessment with P/P Accommodation “2” test type, SAR, and “13” Accommodation General Assessment with individual read-aloud and reader “R” test type and “6” Accommodation General Assessment with individual read-aloud and KCA voice “A” test type and “6” Accommodation

60 Registering Students for Read-Aloud and/or Paper/Pencil (cont.)
General assessment with individual read-aloud (reader) AND p/p accommodation “R” test record, SAR for p/p, “6” and “13” accommodations General assessment with group (reader) p/p accommodation. “R” test type, SAR for group read-aloud, “8” and “13” accommodations.

61 Registering Students for Read-Aloud and/or Paper/Pencil (cont.)
General assessment with group (reader) KCA. “R” test type, SAR for group read-aloud, “8” accommodation. For KAMM, do the same as above, but substitute “5” test type for “2.” “K” test type for “A” “I” for test type “R”

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