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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Reading Second Grade Week of: 12/17-12/21 Objectives: Students will be able to inference or draw conclusions to find understand text. TEKS:2.3b questions, 2.14A main idea, 2.3A predictions, 2.5D making inferences, ELPS: C4G increased comprehension, C4I demonstrate skills such as finding main idea Essential Question: Why is being able to retell a story important to understanding text? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Benchmark for 3rd Six Weeks Wild Christmas Reindeer comprehension activities. Mini lesson: Inferring in non fiction texts Greeting Cards comprehension pages Mini Lesson: Fact and Opinion A Letter to Santa comprehension pages Mini Lesson Order of Events The Night Before Christmas comprehension pages Vocabulary Christmas Reindeer Tangle Grounded Sequencing Cause and Effect Main idea Inference Fact and opinion Details Multiple meaning words Drawing Conclusion Compound words Higher order questions How did the character’s feelings change in the story? Why is 1843 important to the story and is it the same today? Explain the difference between fact and opinion. How does it relate to true/false? Does drawing conclusions help you when you read another story? Assessment Strategy Activity page and worksheet. Use the mini lesson pages to assess.

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