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goal focus affects daily well-being

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1 goal focus affects daily well-being
encouraging a focus on personally relevant intrinsic goals increases day to day well-being King, L. A., J. H. Richards, et al. (1998). Daily goals, life goals, and worst fears: means, ends, and subjective well-being. J Personality 66: Sheldon, K. M. & A. J. Elliot (1999). Goal striving, need satisfaction, & longitud-inal well-being: the self-concordance model. J Pers Soc Psychol 76(3): Hoppmann, C. A. & P. L. Klumb (2006). Daily goal pursuits predict cortisol secretion and mood states in employed parents with preschool children. Psychosom Med 68(6): intrinsic goal focus is promoted by providing explanation, a supportive relationship & choice

2 social context affects goal choice
Kasser, T., et al. (2002). Early family experiences and adult values: A 26-year, prospective longitudinal study. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 28(6): Feeney, B. C. (2004). A secure base: responsive support of goal strivings and exploration in adult intimate relationships. J Pers Soc Psychol 87(5): Sheldon, K. M. and L. S. Krieger (2004). Does legal education have under-mining effects on law students? Evaluating changes in motivation, values, and well-being. Behav Sci Law 22(2): Vansteenkiste, M., J. Simons, et al. (2004). Motivating learning, performance, and persistence: the synergistic effects of intrinsic goal contents & autonomy-supportive contexts. J Pers Soc Psychol 87(2): Sheldon, K. M. (2005). Positive value change during college: normative trends and individual differences. J Res Personal 39(2): Grouzet, F. M., T. Kasser, et al. (2005). The structure of goal contents across 15 cultures. J Pers Soc Psychol 89(5):

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