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The Lost Son We all have lost loved ones

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2 The Lost Son We all have lost loved ones
Some have never known the Lord, 2 Thes. 1:7-9 Others have known, but turned away, 2 Pt. 2:18-22

3 The Lost Son When one falls away, there are two outcomes
Remain in that condition; lost in the end Repent & turn back; restored to fellowship

4 The Lost Son Why did he depart? Where did he go? What did he find?
Why did he return? How was he received?

5 The Lost Son Why did he depart? Not due to father’s fault
Human fathers make mistakes, Heb. 12:9, 10 Our heavenly Father does not, Heb. 12:5-11

6 The Lost Son Why did he depart? He left on his own accord
Prov. 1:10-19 Curiosity? Adventure? Lusts? Seeking more? To find himself?

7 The Lost Son Why did he depart? Some children leave to ease the pain
Abusive parents Neglectful parents Devastating problem

8 The Lost Son Where did he go? He went away from home Loving father
Blessings, comfort Stability, security Work Accountability

9 The Lost Son Where did he go? He went to a “far country” Strange land
Strange people Strange culture Instability, insecurity Where he could be his own man

10 The Lost Son What did he find? Prodigal living, the “high life”
Fun, for a time, Heb. 11:24-26 Wasteful Needed more and more

11 The Lost Son What did he find? He found famine & want
Temporary pleasures ended Nothing left Empty Lonely Pain

12 The Lost Son What did he find?
He found a false solution for his problem; A citizen of that country Provided Hard work Dirty work Unclean work

13 The Lost Son What did he find?
He found a false solution for his problem; A citizen of that country Provided No relief; wanted pigs’ food No one gave him anything! No help No compassion No mercy

14 The Lost Son What did he find? He found himself
Had to hit rock bottom – pain & suffering Some realize on their own Others forced to it, caught

15 The Lost Son What did he find? He found himself
God’s way of pushing him back

16 The Lost Son What did he find? He found himself
Could have stayed miserable Pride Shame Fear

17 The Lost Son What did he find? He found himself
Thought of compassionate father Remembered upbringing Remembered blessings Remembered love

18 The Lost Son What did he find? He found himself
Believed he could go back Though only as a servant Guilt was good, humbling Should not sell-short our Father

19 The Lost Son Why did he return? He was broken In dire need
In need the whole time Satan blinded him with pleasures

20 The Lost Son Why did he return? He was humbled, 2 Cor. 7:9, 10
Genuine sorrow True repentance Complete confession

21 The Lost Son How was he received? With love by his father
Looking for him Recognized him Ran to him Bestowed blessings on him Rejoiced

22 The Lost Son How was he received? With resentment by his brother
Wrong attitude Admonished by his father

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