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Climate friendly 102nd Lions International Convention

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Presentation on theme: "Climate friendly 102nd Lions International Convention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate friendly 102nd Lions International Convention
A project of German and European Lions and Leos in Milan by Alina Ritter - International Liaison Officer MD /2019

2 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Background Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

3 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Background Climate is changing dramatically Changes are in large part caused by human activities Climate changes are largely irreversible Of most concern is the increase in CO2 levels caused by humans Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

4 We need to do something against this!
Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

5 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Lions and Leos There are Lions and Leo service projects for a green environment and climate protection Lions policy statement on the human environment Leo4Green - European activity Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

6 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
LCICon Each year, more than 20,000 Lions and Leos from all over the world come together to celebrate at the Lions Clubs International Convention. Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

7 LCICon means drastic climate impact
Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

8 But WE ALL have to care about our environment
Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

9 Idea – First climate friendly LCICon Milan 2019
Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

10 Lions Club International Convention – CO2 targeted compensation
Based on data from LCIC 2013 Hamburg Climate impact Compensation amount Parade kg CO2 664 € Convention Hall kg CO2 2.276 € Plenary sessions (3 + int. show) kg CO2 1.359 € Bus Shuttle (23€ per ton CO2) 67.23 tons CO2 1.547 € Travelling to Milan by car, bus, plane kg CO2 Total Total without travelling to Milan 5.846 € Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

11 Project for CO2 compensation
Efficient TLUD cook stoves for West Bengal Lions branded cook stoves - a „Certified Gold Standard“ service project in developing countries In cooperation with atmosfair, the no.1 non-profit organisation in compensating carbon dioxide emissions In cooperation with Indian Lions Clubs Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

12 Efficient cook stoves for West Bengal
Only need half as much firewood to produce the same amount of heat  protecting local trees and saving family firewood costs Smoke-free  avoiding respiratory illness Produce valuable charcoal 50% less CO2 emission  saving 3 tons of carbon dioxide per year and stove Supports local enterprises producing and distributing the TLUD cook stoves. One cook stove costs 31 € and can equip a household Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

13 Efficient cook stoves for West Bengal
Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

14 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
The aim: Reduce CO2 across the globe while helping the local population in a direct and sustainable way. Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

15 Project for CO2 compensation
Two fields on compensation: travels and events You can donate a fee to compensate your CO2 emissions and directly support our project Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

16 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Purchase of energy-efficient cook stoves for West Bengal with money from donations for climate protection Less CO2-emissions from cooking in West Bengal + aid for local families CO2-emissions from flights or events Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

17 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
How will it look like? Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

18 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Travel compensation A free atmosfair CO2 calculator can be installed on the Lions website Easy way for each member to individually compensate his/her travelling emission footprint Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

19 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Event compensation Climate impact Compensation amount Parade kg CO2 664 € Convention Hall kg CO2 2.276 € Plenary sessions (3 + int. show) kg CO2 1.359 € Bus Shuttle (23€ per tons CO2) 67.23 tons CO2 1.547 € Total without travelling to Milan 5.846 € Data can be sent to atmosfair and they give you a calculation of compensation payment Around 7000 € are needed for LCICon CO2 event compensation  Lions and Leo activity on site Based on data from LCIC 2013 Hamburg Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

20 Event compensation - Lions and Leo activity
There will be an information desk at the exhibit hall You can have a look on and buy a cook stove at the exhibit hall You can make pictures with the lion in a photo box at the exhibit hall against a donation You can acquire a special and limited pin only designed for this event. Leo volunteers carry the pin you can gain against a donation of around 10 €. All donations go directly into this project! Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

21 Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018
Promote compensation of emissions; look out for the Leo Volunteers to get the limited activity pin  be part of the first climate-friendly LCICon Lions Europa Forum Skopje 2018

22 Lions and Leos GO GREEN TOGETHER
102th Lions Clubs International Convention Milan 2019

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