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Sustainable Harvest Because a 57% reduction would be so difficult, and because the lack of a stock recruit relationship resulted in uncertainty in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Harvest Because a 57% reduction would be so difficult, and because the lack of a stock recruit relationship resulted in uncertainty in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Harvest Because a 57% reduction would be so difficult, and because the lack of a stock recruit relationship resulted in uncertainty in the projections, we thought it would be more reasonable to take ½ of the reduction needed to end overfishing at this time, or ~30% reduction. The stock can be reassessed in the near future to determine if that management strategy contributed to rebuilding the stock. With a 14 “ min size, the reduction to end overfishing halfway is 28.5%. REC: A 14 inch min size and a 6 fish bag limit would provide a 29.0% reduction. Again, slot limits and trophy fish restrictions do not provide much of a reduction in harvest at this time, but may increase in the future as the stock rebuilds.

2 Recreational Option In the Recreational fishery :
A 14 inch min size and a 6 fish bag limit would provide a 29.0% reduction. The MFC’ has recommended a 2 fish limit of fish over 24 inches. Although this restriction will not provide much of a reduction in harvest at this time, the option would provide protection of larger/older/productive females & will provide more of a reduction as the stock rebuilds and more of a reduction as the stock is comprised of larger older fish.

3 Commercial Suite of Options
I will review all possible management options that we have come up with to date. We are open to any suggestions we have not yet considered, as long as the option meets or exceeds a projected reduction of 28.5… Seasonal closures. A Dec-Jan closure would result in a projected reduction of 29.9%, & Feb-Aug closure would result in a projected reduction of 31.8%. Both of these examples exceed the 28.5% goal & are simply presented to provide you with some idea of what it would take to meet the goal. An Annual Commercial Quota for all gear combined.

4 Commercial Suite of Options (continued)
We looked at the option of annual quotas for the high volume fisheries… order to reduce possible waste in these fisheries. Limits were chosen that would equate to 28.5% reduction in these fisheries, and they include:….(read slide). However, if the annual quota option is chosen as such for the high volume fisheries, there would have to be limitations on the “other gear”, that would include either a 100 lbs/day/operation or 200 lbs/person/week. This option would require Daily Dealer reporting for the high volume fisheries only A DMF state permit would be required. Once the quota was met, the fishery would have to cease operation. Any quota overages would have to be deducted from the following year.

5 Suite of Options (continued)
Because of possible waste in the gill net fisheries during the winter months, The SST AC suggested we look at weekly trip limits rather than daily trip limits. The calculations had to be done in order make sure the proposed trip limits achieved the necessary reduction. We looked at weekly trip limits for the gill net fishery. Due to enforcement issues, it would be necessary to have a trip limit for all gill net types combined. The weekly trip limit necessary, in order to get the 28.5% reduction, worked out to be only 200 lbs/person/week. If this option is chosen, the high volume fisheries would have to be limited to either the annual quota or trip limit option, & all other gear would be limited to 100 lbs/person/week. We also considered a seasonal gill net trip limit….whereas a larger limit would be allowed during the target “winter” season, & a lower limit during the bycatch or “summer” season…. The Central AC recommended a weekend closure….which would provide a reduction of 29.7%

6 Commercial Weekend Closure Option Reduction Estimates Include STSA

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