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Lab Activity 5 Determination of Nitrogen & Crude Protein

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1 Lab Activity 5 Determination of Nitrogen & Crude Protein
IUG, Fall 2012 Dr. Tarek Zaida

2 Introduction The percentage composition of a protein in nitrogen is 16% or 1/6 The quantitative determination of nitrogen in chemical substances was developed by Johan Kjeldahl in 1883

3 Principle of the Kjeldahl Method
The method is based on heating a substance with H2SO4, H2SO4 decomposes the organic substance by oxidation The reduced nitrogen will liberate as ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 Note: Chemical decomposition of the sample is complete when the medium has become clear and colorless (initially very dark)

4 The solution is then distilled with NaOH (added in small quantities) which converts the (NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O Amount of NH3 present (hence the amount of nitrogen present in sample) is distilled into boric acid NH4OH + H3BO NH4H2BO3 + H2O

5 The ammonia present in the boric acid is then titrated with standardized hydrochloric acid HCl
NH4H2BO3 + HCl NH4Cl H3BO3

6 Summary 1. Digestion: Protein + H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4 + CO2 + SO2 + H2O
2. Liberation of NH3 (NH4)2SO NaOH NH3 + Na2SO H2O 3. Capturing NH3 NH3 + H2O + H3BO NH4 H2BO3 + H2O 4. Titration of NH3 NH4 H2BO HCl NH4Cl H3BO3 1 ml 0.01N HCl = mg Nitrogen Vs –Vb of 0.01 N HCl x = mg of N in the sample Where Vs : ml of 0.01 N used in sample titration Vb : ml of 0.01 N HCl used in blank titration Crude protein = total N% x 6.25

7 kjeldahl method is a universe method, precise, reproducible, therefore it is recognized as a good method for estimating the protein content in food It does not however give a measure of true protein content, as it measures non protein nitrogen in addition to the nitrogen in proteins. In 2007 there was a pet food incident, and in 2008 another incident recorded in the Chinese milk powder scandal due to the use of melamine; a nitrogen-rich chemical added to raw material to fake high protein contents.

8 Experiment Look at the lab manual for more details

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