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Hello DSA I am disappointed to say I will not be attending this month’s meeting due to a scheduling conflict with school. My bachelors degree is almost.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello DSA I am disappointed to say I will not be attending this month’s meeting due to a scheduling conflict with school. My bachelors degree is almost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello DSA I am disappointed to say I will not be attending this month’s meeting due to a scheduling conflict with school. My bachelors degree is almost complete and, unfortunately, my remaining classes are only available on Tuesday evenings. I will continue to keep abreast of the activities and stay involved in the same capacity. I look forward to hearing all of the details of the fundraising presentation. Trisha will be running this week’s meeting without my assistance and, as always, I am sure she will be amazing . I am still fully committed to my duties as co- president and feel free to contact me for anything that you may need. Till then, Sydney Toms

2 PTSO Meeting Parent Teacher Student Organization January 19, 2010
President – Sydney Toms Co President – Trisha Masuda

3 AGENDA Address from our Principal, Mr. Kohut Student Council Updates
PTSO Updates News from the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) News from Arts Departments (Parent Liaisons)

4 Tonight’s Updates from Mr. Kohut

5 Mr. Kohut Budget Overview February Community Meeting
Strategic Planning Meeting ??Questions from Parents??

6 Student Council Updates

7 PTSO Updates

8 2009 PTSO Donations Update Mini-Grants ---Requests have been granted to Visual Arts, Creative Writing, History Day, Foreign Language, and Challenge Day! A new microwave was purchased for student-use in the cafeteria Hospitality purchases have been made to support staff dinners and Holiday Baskets This month’s Donation…Tape Recorders for the AP Spanish classes!!!!

9 Our Next Volunteer Opportunities:
February 22nd, Teacher Inservice Day…..Coffee and Smoothie Bar. Sign up tonight to help Becky Sanders with this event!! Help us redecorate the School Store Window for February/March.

10 School Store Update New Logo Items Sweats and Tees

11 School Store is Open …. Every Monday – Friday before school…
School Store is Open ….. Every Monday – Friday before school…..AND at Special Events

12 Sales to Date--$4100. 00 Order Cost--$5400. 00 Need $1300
Sales to Date--$ Order Cost--$ Need $ more in sales to pay off order and then……profit to be placed back in PTSO fund for next year’s goals. Last week we recruited 2 more volunteers to help with the store. Please contact me if you would like to join our team!

13 Tonight’s Feature: ALL SCHOOL FUNDRAISER Speaker – Kim Bennett

14 Collaborative School Committee Updates

15 Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Every 3rd Thursday, 4:30-6:00 PM, Counseling Center Conference Rm Routine monitoring of DSA indicators: Attendance, behavior incidents and academic interventions – There is strong progress in all three areas Milestones for DSA’s School Improvement Plan (SIP) – District has approved Mr. Kohuts plan and monitoring begins this quarter Helping to assess options for securing healthier lunch offerings & upgrades in the commons/lunchroom area CSC Staff Reps will be working with CSC Student and Parent Reps to run student and parent focus groups this February 15

16 Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Every 3rd Thursday, 4:30-6:00 PM, Counseling Center Conference Room Annual budgeting for next school year MID JAN: DSA receives enrollment projections & per-student allocation projections, that can be used to project an estimated total budget and to assess potential issues MID JAN – MAR: DSA develops & refines budget, drawing on the SIP, working within district & legislative guidelines/directives, responding to District feedback, and engaging the CSC, as well as the staffs’ School Leadership Team (SLT), to address related challenges and priorities. Team of CSC Reps will provide related community updates & forums FEB. PTSO MEETING: A team of CSC Reps will update parents on the draft budget and get input on related challenges and priorities. LATE FEB - MAR: DSA finalizes budget and submits it to the CSC to approve and forward it to the District for final review and approval. 16

17 Arts Department Updates (Parent Liaisons)
Theatre Band Orchestra Piano Vocal Video-Cinema Creative Writing Visual Arts Dance Stagecraft and Design ****Guitar******* Thank you to volunteers who made this year’s auditions run smoothly!! 17

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