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Thinking Proportionally

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking Proportionally"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking Proportionally

2 On your whiteboards… Write down the first five multiples of 2
Underneath write the first five multiples of 5 What number would be above 85? What number would be beneath 18? What number would be above 125? What number would be beneath 32?

3 Are these three linked? Give out cards 1a and 1b

4 Using the cards Identify pairs – you must be able to justify your decisions

5 Is this group correct?

6 What about this one?

7 Which one is the odd one out?

8 Make a set of 4 cards with 1 odd

9 Classify your cards in to three groups
Add cards 1c at this point

10 What are the links?

11 What are the links? Make a set of 3 cards with obvious links Make a set of 3 cards with less obvious links Explain the links

12 What are the links?






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