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Compare/ContraSt Essay

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Presentation on theme: "Compare/ContraSt Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare/ContraSt Essay
Rough Draft 1

2 Prerequisites Is there a correct heading? Is there a correct title?
Is it ONLY 5 paragraphs? Is it handwritten? Is it in black/blue pen?

3 Instructions Using a red pen, write “c/b <your name>” in a space where there is room to answer questions below your name. In red pen, answer the following questions fully and in complete sentences.

4 Introduction Does it give a background of why these two subjects are being compared? Does it have a thesis stating the three categories that will be addressed in the following paragraphs?

5 Body Next to each body paragraph, write the category that is being addressed. Under the “Introduction” answers, answer the following questions: Is there only one category per body paragraph? Is each detail of each category explained well and not just listed? Do the body paragraphs express at least one similarity and at least one difference?

6 Conclusion Does it state and explain which subject is better?

7 Overall On a scale from 0-6, “6” being the best, what would you rate the overall essay and why? Is it at least 750 words?

8 Next… Once you get back your paper, revise your rough draft 1.
Type it out and print it into a rough draft 2. Make sure that it is at least 750 words by rough draft 2.

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