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1 Delete this slide before giving your presentation
Using this template This template gives you a starting point to create a presentation to managers on promoting active and sustainable travel in the workplace and the TravelSmart Workplace program. The template includes slides, speaking notes (below) and prompts (in italics). It can be changed as needed to suit your specific needs. This template contains information on how employers can influence employees’ travel behaviour, what a travel plan is and the benefits to your organisation of implementing a travel plan TravelSmart Workplace has resources that you can access online to support this presentation, including the frequently asked questions in the presentation and speakers kit guide and case studies. This presentation should take minutes to present (allow half an hour including questions and answers). Delete this slide before giving your presentation Delete this slide before giving your presentation

2 When was the last time you were stuck in traffic like this and didn’t want to be? How did it make you feel? Or maybe you’re sick of feeling tired and cramped up from sitting all day long and want to fit some more exercise in your day? Journey times are increasing and congestion is having negative consequences including increased fuel costs, reduced productivity and increased stress for employees. TravelSmart is about options and change, change in the way employees travel and changes in the workplace to support employees to consider active and sustainable modes of travel.

3 Why change? There are many ‘drivers’ or reasons for individuals and organisations to consider promoting alternatives to the car. Why change? Cost is a key driver for individuals and business – on average about 14% of a household’s expenditure is on transport, higher in some households Time –with our growing population, traffic congestion is costing time and money for individuals and businesses. According to federal government estimates, congestion in Perth could cost the community $2.1B by 2020. Health – 40% of adults in WA aren’t active enough and car use greatly contributes to them sitting down for almost all of the day. Active travel is a great opportunity to improve health and wellbeing and break the cycle of daily inactivity Energy – our transport system largely runs on oil, making us vulnerable to changes in oil price and supply Environment – vehicle emissions are a major source of pollutants in the Perth air and contribute greenhouse gas emissions that affect the climate Corporate social responsibility In terms of corporate social responsibility and employee health and wellbeing, transport is worth looking at.

4 TravelSmart options TravelSmart is about helping people use their cars less and choose active and sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling and teleaccess. It’s about empowering people to consider changes to their travel behaviour.  Workplaces can play a key role in providing solutions for their employees, including choosing to focus on specific modes of travel dependent upon their physical location, surrounding transport infrastructure and also the interest of employees in particular modes of travel. The most effective way to do this is to create a travel plan.

5 Travel Plans A plan for managing travel to the site
Use of sustainable and active travel options Use the workplace levers A travel plan is a plan an organisation develops to manage travel to the site. Travel Plans focus on increasing the use of sustainable and active travel options. Travel plans can cover: Journeys by employees to and from work Business travel Travel by clients/visitors Fleet vehicles A travel plan is set of actions based on surveys and information gathered through the travel planning process. Travel Plans use the levers in a workplace and are tailored to each specific workplace.

6 Travel Plan benefits There are a number of benefits to both business and also individuals. Business benefits Reduce the significant operational loss attached to car parking, fuel costs, business travel and company fleet costs Solve delivery and customer access problems generated by traffic and congestion problems around a site Enhanced image with customers and employees Reduce environmental and social impact Promotion of a healthy and motivated workforce Staff benefits Boost employee health and productivity Potential cost and time savings Fairer distribution of travel perks across the business Chance for employees to support and influence change in the workplace Choosing an active mode of travel for travel to and from work and for business trips during the day can provide a significant proportion of the working population with an opportunity to be active on a regular basis. A healthier workforce can mean better business outcomes as absenteeism, presenteeism and rates of injury go down and productivity, staff retention, morale, loyalty, motivation and engagement go up. Healthier employees can mean better business outcomes

7 What can we achieve? The TravelSmart Workplace network is growing and organisations are realising the benefits of implementing travels plans at their workplaces. Arup have increased public transport trips by 39% and at Parsons Brinckerhoff the numbers of people cycling to work have doubled and they been able to reduce the number of car parking bays required by the business a significant saving. What do you think our organisation could achieve and what benefits could this bring to the organisation and employees?

8 TravelSmart Workplace program
TravelSmart Workplaces have worked with over 78 workplaces in WA to help them implement travel plans. The TravelSmart Workplace program provides support to organisations across WA to promote active and sustainable travel choices and provides support for developing and implementing travel plans. The program provides advice and facilitates the travel planning process with online resources and a personalised access maps which provide information on the walking, cycling and public transport options around your workplace. Being part of the program also gives you access to the TravelSmart network and quarterly forums as well as ongoing free advice on promoting active travel via phone or . ‘A joint Australian, State and Territory Government initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health’

9 Travel Planning process
A travel plan is developed over 5 steps and development is supported by TravelSmart Workplace program staff. The first step involves gaining support from senior management and a commitment to developing a travel plan, assigning a TravelSmart coordinator and support team and deciding what the purpose and focus of the travel plan will be (e.g. travel to and from work, travel within the working day, visitor travel etc.). Step two involves a staff survey to determine employee travel behaviours, along with an accessibility audit of the workplace. The data from the travel survey is analysed by TravelSmart Workplaces and presented in a report. Step 3 involves a workshop or brainstorming session to gather ideas from employees and other stakeholders on what our organisation can do to support change to the way we travel. Using all of the above information, TravelSmart Workplaces assess the data and provide suggested actions and a template to complete a plan. After the plan is drafted it is considered by management and any items that require budget and time to implement are considered.

10 Workplace strategies and actions
Within travel plans there are 4 key levers of change that most actions will fall under: Information Workplace engagement and incentives Policies and Practices Facilities and fleet Some examples of actions that provide information and raise awareness are including information about travel options in staff inductions, offering cycle training to staff or promoting travel options on noticeboards or intranet. Providing information and raising awareness can build people’s confidence in trying out an alternative. The Heart Foundation provides information on how to get their workplace within signatures, this has been a great way to encourage visitors to travel by active sustainable means to meetings at their workplace. Engagement activities and incentives offer opportunities to create a buzz around TravelSmart and build a culture that normalises the use of active and sustainable travel. Types of actions can include a walking or cycling challenge for staff, providing an incentive for active commuters. This could be either time based (for example Department Environment Regulation offer 15 minutes of work time to shower and change for 15 minutes of active travel to get to work), or even a paid dollar incentive. Ensuring that workplace policies and practices are in line with what a travel plan is trying to achieve makes it easy and possible for people to consider change if they want to. The types of actions workplaces consider here are providing Smartriders for staff to use for business trips as done by Arup and Edith Cowan University. Also changes to policy to allow flexible start and finish times or working from home. Changes to facilities make new travel behaviours easier to adopt as permanent changes are made to environments. Changes to facilities and fleet can include installing new bike parking or improving shower and locker facilities and buying pool bicycles as part of the fleet to give employees options on how they travel to meetings. Many workplaces have pool bicycles including City of Mandurah, Stirling, Vincent and Department of Sport and Recreation.

11 Example actions QE11 influence policies and practices by allocating parking based on need and increasing parking fees for staff

12 Example actions Department of Transport raised staff awareness and familiarity with cycling by organising a group lunch ride for staff keen to build confidence riding in traffic

13 TravelSmart Workplaces video 
The following video illustrates some additional stories from workplaces that have been involved in the TravelSmart Workplace program and some of the positive outcomes they have achieved as a result of implementing actions in their workplaces. Play video.

14 What’s next? Join TravelSmart Workplace and complete an Expression of Interest form (signed by Senior Management) Seek advice from the TravelSmart Workplace team After we have completed an Expression of Interest form and returned that to TravelSmart Workplace team a team member will be assigned to our workplace and assist us to develop our plan. Our organisation can be part of the transport solution and join the TravelSmart Workplace program. Be prepared to field any questions management may have at this point. Consider the FAQ’s provided in the guide and any additional questions please note down and refer to the TravelSmart Workplace program team.

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