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The Great Actsperience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship.

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2 The Great Actsperience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship

3 Report!


5 Food presentation at Homes



8 Results! DateTweets Impressions Generated Audience Reached October4621,9084,314 November6624,8298,874

9 Results! Breakthroughs! Homes – 661 (+1) Teens Homes Parties – 141 (111) Total: 802

10 The Great Actsperience! Anticipation & Atmosphere Word &Worship Food & Fellowship

11 The Great Actsperience! Food & Fellowship: Actsperience Warmth

12 1 Kings 10:4-5 4 When the queen of Sheba experienced for herself how very wise Solomon was, and when she saw the palace he had built, 5 she was overwhelmed. She was also amazed at the food on his tables, the organization of his officials and their splendid clothing, the cup-bearers, and the burnt offerings Solomon made at the Temple of the Lord.

13 Objective To learn how to plan and budget To improve food to make Homes #thegreatestplaceonearth

14 Plan: Who is doing what? Food must be part of your Homes Privilege Roster Assign a food team Have a checklist checklist PIC

15 Guidelines: RSVP

16 Guidelines: What to prepare? DESSERT +DRINKS STARTER/SIDES MAINS Themes (eg: Wild Wild West) Local/Western

17 Guidelines: How much food? Common foodTo feed…Cost Fried Rice/Hokkien Mee/ Mi Hun 2 pax/servingRM5 Nasi LemakPer paxRM1.50-RM6 Burgers/Hotdogs1 per personRM2-RM5 Pasta1 packet (500g) serves 8RM5

18 Guidelines: Budget RM10/pax RM3/pax RM5/pa x RM8/ pax Dont forget cost of: Cutlery Drinks/Cups Birthday Cake

19 Demo 1- Western (for 20pax) ItemCost Main Meal Chicken (6 birds) Macaroni and cheese RM 60 Rm 15 Snacks/Sides Mashed potato Gravy Coleslaw Pork balls Rm 15 Drinks SirapRm 10 Dessert CakeRm 10 Cutleries Fork+spoons Cups Plates Rm 10 TOTALRM165 Rm8/Homie

20 Demo 2-Balik Kampung

21 Breakdown (for 30pax) ItemCost/homie Main Meal Nasi lemak Dishes RM 6 Snacks/Sides Keropok lekorRm 1 Drinks SirapRm 1 Dessert CakeRm 1 Cutleries Fork+spoons Cups Plates Rm 1 TOTALRM10/Homie

22 The Great Actsperience! Food & Fellowship: Actsperience Warmth

23 Fellowship Definition (according to 1. the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind. 2. friendly relationship; companionship: the fellowship of father and son. 3. community of interest, feeling, etc.

24 Acts 2:42, 47 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…. 47 And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

25 Fellowship Definition (according to the Word of God): (koinonia) G2842 1. Partnership 2. Participation i.e. getting involved 3. (Social) intercourse 4. Benefaction

26 Fellowship So what does it mean? Acts is a church of every partner Ownership eg. G10s doing follow-up Involvement i.e. No spectators Intentional investment For a purpose and a mission

27 Purpose: Roadmap of a Disciple Visitor Regular PartnerLeader G10Partnership L10 Home Leader Hangout Leader Huddle Leader Harvest House HomesHuddle ConnectedCommittedCommissioned Milk, Member Care, Meat Mobilized for Missions & Multiplication Lifestyle of Discipleship & Evangelism New Believer Follow- Up

28 Great Fellowship!

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