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Management of Reprography in Education

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1 Management of Reprography in Education
IFRRO WIPO Workshop Kazakhstan Irish Copyright Licensing Agency September 2012 1

2 “Copyright is one of the most confounding and misunderstood laws affecting colleges and universities.” Kenneth D Crews, Indiana University 1992

3 Schools Schools generally require a licence to reproduce textbooks and other copyright material for use in the classroom; Still mostly paper but more and more pdf and storage on VLEs, display on smartboards; Easy to monitor – one teacher one class at K-6 and one teacher one subject at 7-12; Homogenous materials due to set curriculum

4 Schools Most used book in Ireland in 2010 survey – an Irish grammar book from the 1970s

5 Further and Higher Education
Universities and Colleges use a far wider variety of materials from a wide group of sources; Less paper and more virtual learning environments; Harder to monitor usage;

6 Future proofing Integrated materials – much more use of visual materials, video and multi media content Tablets and e-reader content Access for the print disabled should be integrated in the licence

7 Importance of Education
Teachers, students, parents Important to stress the relevance and importance of copyright at all levels All of us are now creators of content and users of content

8 Importance of Education
Third party permissions for university students when undertaking a thesis, for example

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