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Acquired? Now What? Bill Decker Vice President & General Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Acquired? Now What? Bill Decker Vice President & General Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acquired? Now What? Bill Decker Vice President & General Manager
Equipment & Services Group

2 Overview Actually achieving synergy Value of strategic partnerships

3 (Harvard Business Review)
Between 70 & 90% of Mergers and Acquisitions fail to deliver the anticipated return on investment. (Harvard Business Review)

4 Achieving Synergy Does = 1 ½, 2, or 4 Starts with strategy Does everyone understand why the acquisition/merger makes sense? Is the leadership team actually leading the change? Don’t lose sight of people Effect on company culture

5 Achieving Synergy Messaging How are you communicating and how often Remote employees are equally critical or more in the process Customer and employee feedback is crucial Managing change M & A will change both companies. Embrace the positive Increase training and balance workload Retain top talent by listening Be willing to adjust priorities without compromising values

6 Strategic Partnerships
Option to Acquisition Expands product or service offering Expands geographical footprint Secures supply chain Enhance R & D efforts Advantages Can shorten time to launch Acquire specialized skills quicker Definitely lower cost compared to acquiring a company Could be a trial run Risks Less Control Communication is still critical and can be more difficult Values/Culture

7 Keys to Success Leaders must lead Communicate, communicate, communicate Embrace the new culture and develop new process Don’t lose sight of the people or the customers Training must be a priority Assess and correct course early and often Have fun

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