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Conflict & Tension Quizzes

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1 Conflict & Tension Quizzes

2 Quiz 1: Overview of WW1

3 1) Who was assassinated in 1914?

4 2) In which city did this assassination take place?

5 3) Which of these countries was not in the Triple Entente
3) Which of these countries was not in the Triple Entente? Britain, Italy, Russia

6 4) What plan did Germany launch in August 1914?

7 5) Russia left the war in 1917 and set up what type of government?

8 6) Which country joined the war in 1917 on the side of Britain and France?

9 7) What treaty did Russia and Germany make when Russia left the war?

10 8) What happened to the German Kaiser at the end of WW1?

11 9) On what date did the Germans sign the armistice to put an end to WW1?

12 10) What peace treaty was signed deciding the future of Germany?

13 Quiz 1: Answers Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo Italy Schlieffen Plan
Communism USA Brest-Litovsk Abdicated 11th November 1918 Treaty of Versailles

14 Quiz 2: The Big Three

15 1) Who was the leader of Britain?

16 2) Who was the leader of France?

17 3) Who was the leader of USA?

18 4) Who became the leader of Germany following the abdication of the Kaiser?

19 5) Which country wanted to punish Germany the most?

20 6) The leader of which country set out the Fourteen Points?

21 7) Which country particularly hoped to expand their empire as a result of the Treaty?

22 8) What political movement did America fear in the East, meaning they wanted a strong Germany?

23 9) Germany had no say over her future. True or False?

24 10) Which of the leaders was a reformer and idealist?

25 Quiz 2: Answers David Lloyd George George Clemenceau Woodrow Wilson
Ebert France USA Britain Communism True Woodrow Wilson

26 Quiz 3: Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

27 1) How many men were Germany allowed in their army?

28 2) How many submarines were Germany allowed to keep?

29 3) How many battleships were Germany allowed to keep?

30 4) How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?

31 5) Which two countries were the reparations payments primarily used to rebuild?

32 6) Who was to blame for the war according to the Treaty of Versailles?

33 7) Which newly formed organisation was Germany not allowed to join?

34 8) Which area between France and Germany was demilitarised?

35 9) To which country did Germany lose the Upper Silesia and Posen?

36 10) Which country was Germany forbidden to join with in Anschluss, angering the Germans?

37 Quiz 3: Answers 100,000 6 £6.6 Billion Belgium & France Germany
6 £6.6 Billion Belgium & France Germany League of Nations Rhineland Poland Austria

38 Quiz 4: Reaction & Impact of Treaty of Versailles

39 1) Which country thought that the treaty was not harsh enough?

40 2) Which leader was most concerned that the treaty was too harsh?

41 3) Which of these best describes the German reaction to the Treaty
3) Which of these best describes the German reaction to the Treaty? Anger, Indifference, Relief

42 4) Which organisation took control of a number of Germany’s overseas colonies?

43 5) None of the Big Three were fully satisfied with the Treaty of Versailles. True or False?

44 6) What right wing revolution took place in Berlin in 1919 aiming to overthrow Ebert?

45 7) Where did French and Belgian forces invade in 1922 when the Germans fell behind with reparations payments?

46 8) What new problem was created in 1923 when the Germans printed more money?

47 9) Which treaty was signed with Hungary in 1920?

48 10) Which treaty was signed in 1923 with Turkey when they were threatening another war?

49 Quiz 4: Answers Ruhr Hyperinflation Triannon Kapp Putsch
France Woodrow Wilson Anger League of Nations True Kapp Putsch Ruhr Hyperinflation Triannon Lausanne

50 Quiz 5: League of Nations Intro

51 1) What was the main thing that the League of Nations aimed to stop?

52 2) In which city was the League of Nations based?

53 3) In what year was the League of Nations founded?

54 4) How many members were there when it was first founded

55 5) Britain, France, Italy and which other country made the big decisions?

56 6) In what year were Germany invited to join?

57 7) What political ideology did Russia follow, meaning they were not invited?

58 8) Which other major nation did not join, significantly weakening the League?

59 9) What did the League not posses, weakening its power?

60 10) The League planned to use Collective ______ to keep peace.

61 Quiz 5: Answers War Geneva 1920 42 Japan 1926 Communism USA Army

62 Quiz 6: The League in the 1920s

63 1) Which US political party won a landslide victory in the 1920 elections and wanted a policy of isolationism?

64 2) Which political organisation would not give Wilson permission for USA to join the League?

65 3) The structure of the League of Nations was simple and effective
3) The structure of the League of Nations was simple and effective. True or False?

66 4) What acronym do we use to remember the aims of the League of Nations?

67 5) What was the first crisis that the League of Nations faced in 1920 between Lithuania and Poland?

68 6) Which two countries were quarrelling over control of the Aaland Islands?

69 7) A general from which country was murdered causing the crisis in Corfu?

70 8) Which country did Greece invade in 1925 causing another issue for the League to settle?

71 9) The League attacked save traders in Burma and Africa and freed 200,000 slaves. True or False?

72 10) How many big drugs companies were shut down by the League

73 Quiz 6: Answers Republicans Congress False SIDE Vilna Sweden & Finland
Italy Bulgaria True 4

74 Quiz 7: Events outside the League

75 1) What Arms Conference took place between 1921 and 1922 regarding demiitarisation?

76 2) What 1925 treaty improved relations between Germany and France?

77 3) What treaty in 1928 saw 65 countries meet in Paris to agree not to use war to settle disputes?

78 4) Which organisation was not involved in these treaties, therefore undermining it?

79 5) What plan involved America giving loans to Europe to recover from war?

80 6) What world changing economic event took place in America in 1929?

81 7) What period of economic crisis did this lead to affecting much of the world?

82 8) Which right wing political party increased in power in Germany as a consequence?

83 9) Which left wing political party also increased in power in Germany as a consequence??

84 10) Which Fascist dictator became the leader of Italy in this period?

85 Quiz 7: Answers Washington Locarno Treaty Kellogg-Briand Pact
League of Nations Dawes Plan Wall Street Crash Great Depression Nazis (NSDAP) Communists (KPD) Mussolini

86 Quiz 8: Failure of LoN in the 1930s

87 1) In what country was Manchuria?

88 2) What did the Japanese blow up as an excuse to invade Manchuria?

89 3) What type of government did the Japanese set up in Manchuria?

90 4) Which League of Nations report looked into the events of the Manchuria Crisis?

91 5) At what battle had the Italians been defeated in 1896?

92 6) What modern country do we now know Abysinnia as?

93 7) Britain and France signed which agreement with Italy to keep them on side?

94 8) Which secret agreement between the British and French foreign ministers agreed to give Italy two thirds of Abysinnia?

95 9) The absence of which major country from the League of Nations was crucial in its failure?

96 10) What did the league particularly lack that meant it struggled to deal with big bullies?

97 Quiz 8: Answers China Railway (South-Manchuria) Puppet Lytton Report
Adowa Ethiopia Stresa Front Hoare-Laval Pact USA Army

98 Quiz 9: Hitler’ Aims and Actions, 1933-1935

99 1) What bestselling book did Hitler write in the 1920s whilst he was in prison?

100 2) What does the word Lebensraum mean?

101 3) Which political ideology did Hitler particularly want to defeat?

102 4) What consequence of WW1 was Hitler determined to get rid of?

103 5) What conference did Hitler storm out of in 1933?

104 6) What did Germany hold in 1935 to show off its military strength?

105 7) What agreement did Hitler sign with Britain in June 1935?

106 8) How many aircraft did Germany have by 1939? 36; 897; 5,270; 8,250

107 9) Who was the Austrian chancellor that was murdered in 1934?

108 10) Which people did Hitler want to unite by securing Anschluss between Austria and Germany?

109 Quiz 9: Answers Mein Kampf Living Space Communism 8,250
Treaty of Versailles Disarmament Conference Rearmament Rally Anglo-German Naval Agreement 8,250 Dollfuss Volksdeutsche

110 Quiz 10: Hitler’s Actions, 1935-1939

111 1) Who had the Saar been given to for fifteen years by the Treaty of Versailles?

112 2) What would be held to decide who the Saar would belong to in 1935?

113 3) What % of people in the Saar voted to re-join Germany

114 4) What was the Luftwaffe that Germany developed in this period?

115 5) Who did Hitler support in the Spanish Civil War?

116 6) Where did Hitler remilitarise in 1936?

117 7) 83. 25% of Austrians voted in favour of Anschluss with Germany
7) 83.25% of Austrians voted in favour of Anschluss with Germany. True or False?

118 8) Which two countries did Germany sign the anti-Comintern pact with?

119 9) Where did the Luftwaffe destroy with bombing raids in 1937?

120 10) What policy did the leaders of Britain and France adopt towards Hitler at this time?

121 Quiz 10: Answers League of Nations Plebiscite 90% Airforce Franco
Rhineland False – 99.75% Italy & Japan Guernica Appeasement

122 Quiz 11: Appeasement & Sudeten Crisis

123 1) Who was the leader of Britain at the time of Appeasement?

124 2) Who was the leader of France at the time of Appeasement?

125 3) What was Hitler opposing in Russia that Britain and France were scared of and wanted to avoid?

126 4) What did Britain and France want to avoid a repeat of, meaning they followed the policy of appeasement?

127 5) Who was the leader of Czechoslovakia that feared his country would be invaded?

128 6) Which area of Czechoslovakia did Hitler say that he wanted?

129 7) What did this area have lots of that Hitler could use to build tanks?

130 8) What conference took place in September 1938 in a last attempt to avert war in Europe?

131 9) Chamberlain returned to Britain from this conference proclaiming that he had secured ‘______ in our time’.

132 10) In March 1939 Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia
10) In March 1939 Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. Britain promised war if Hitler invaded where?

133 Quiz 11: Answers Neville Chamberlain Edouard Daladier
Communism WW1 Edward Benes Sudetenland Factories Munich Conference Peace Poland

134 Quiz 12: Outbreak of WW2

135 1) Where had Hitler invaded in March 1939?

136 2) Which 1938 agreement was Stalin particularly concerned about?

137 3) What agreement did Hitler sign with Stalin in August 1939?

138 4) Where did Hitler and Stalin invade on 1st September 1939?

139 5) On what date did Britain declare war on Germany?

140 6) What event in 1919 can be seen as a long-term cause of WW2?

141 7) What policy pursued by Britain and France can be seen as a cause of WW2?

142 8) The Great Depression resulted in a polarisation of ______ across Europe.

143 9) Which organisation had failed in its aim to prevent war and keep peace?

144 10) The fear of what political ideology meant that other countries did little to stop Hitler?

145 Quiz 12: Answers Czechoslovakia Munich Conference Politics
Nazi-Soviet Pact Poland 3rd September 1939 Treaty of Versailles Appeasement Politics League of Nations Communism

146 End of Unit Quiz

147 1) The absence of which major country from the League of Nations was crucial in its failure?

148 2) Which area between France and Germany was demilitarised in the Treaty of Versailles?

149 3) Which two countries did Germany sign the anti-Comintern pact with?

150 4) What would be held to decide who the Saar would belong to in 1935?

151 5) How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?

152 6) What acronym do we use to remember the aims of the League of Nations?

153 7) Which secret agreement between the British and French foreign ministers agreed to give Italy two thirds of Abysinnia?

154 8) Where did Hitler and Stalin invade on 1st September 1939?

155 9) What bestselling book did Hitler write in the 1920s whilst he was in prison?

156 10) What type of government did the Japanese set up in Manchuria?

157 11) What plan involved America giving loans to Europe to recover from war?

158 12) Russia left the war in 1917 and set up what type of government?

159 13) Who was the leader of Britain at the time of Appeasement?

160 14) Which country thought that the Treaty of Versailles was not harsh enough?

161 15) What agreement did Hitler sign with Britain in June 1935?

162 16) Who was the leader of USA at the Treaty of Versailles?

163 17) What % of people in the Saar voted to re-join Germany

164 18) How many men were Germany allowed in their army according to the Treaty of Versailles?

165 19) Who was the Austrian chancellor that was murdered in 1934?

166 20) Which League of Nations report looked into the events of the Manchuria Crisis?

167 End of Unit: Answers (part 1)
USA Rhineland Italy & Japan Plebiscite £6.6 billion SIDE Hoare-Laval Pact Poland Mein Kampf Puppet

168 End of Unit: Answers (part 2)
Dawes Plan Neville Chamberlain Communism France Anglo-German Naval Agreement Woodrow Wilson 90% 100,000 Dollfuss Lytton Report

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