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Applications of Genetic Engineering

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1 Applications of Genetic Engineering

2 Transgenic Organisms All living organisms share the same genetic code, so it is possible to produce transgenic organisms which have genes from other organisms. Biotechnology is a growing industry that is changing the way we interact with the living world. Bacteria are particularly useful since they reproduce rapidly and are easy to grow. Human proteins like insulin can be produced abundantly and inexpensively by inserting genes for human proteins into bacteria.

3 Transgenic Animals Uses of transgenic animals:
Study the effects of human diseases in mice Faster growth of livestock Chickens resistant to bacterial infections Sheep and pigs that produce human proteins

4 Transgenic Plants Many plant products in the USA are genetically modified (GM). Examples: corn, soybeans, zucchini, sugar, squash, papaya, canola oil Why? Resistance to weed-killing chemicals, natural insecticide, resistance to viruses, resistant to rot, and additional vitamins (like vitamin A in rice)

5 GMO’s yUuiqIZ0 (Papaya)
5F-A (GMO vs. Organic) bLEJ0 (Cons of GMOs)

6 Cloning Clone: a member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell In 1997, a Scottish scientist (Ian Wilmut) cloned a sheep, which was named Dolly. The process: 1. Remove the nucleus from an egg cell, 2. Replace it with a cell of the clone, 3. Fuse the cells by an electric shock, 4. Put the embryo into a foster mother to develop Raises serious ethical issues, such as the possibility of cloning a human.


8 Cloning wR20

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