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Hinsdale CSD Revised Capital Project ,

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1 Hinsdale CSD Revised Capital Project , 2017-2019
Vision Statement: Hinsdale CSD will be a premier rural school district in New York State by 2020.

2 Attendees BOE Hinsdale CSD Hodgson & Russ – Jeff Stone, Attorney
Jennifer Howell – President Nanci Hurlburt – Vice President John Fitzpatrick – Trustee Jodie Noll – Trustee Dan Adams - Trustee Hodgson & Russ – Jeff Stone, Attorney Clarke Patterson Lee – Ryne Wight, Architect Bernard P. Donegan Inc.– Chris DeCarlo, Financial Analyst HCS Faculty Jennifer Jaquith – Business Manager Larry Ljungberg – Superintendent

3 Unique Opportunity Hinsdale is classified as a “High Needs, High Poverty” District as per NYSED NYSED has allocated 95% aid for Capital Project As a result, this project will have a $0 tax impact (no additional costs to local taxpayers).

4 NYS Building Aid 95% of project costs will be covered by NYS building aid This is due to the removal of the Concession Stand/Restroom building which was not eligible for funding What about the other 5%? The district will use $350,000 of savings plus additional debt service reserve funds to cover the 5% local share. These funds are currently held by the district.

5 Revised Capital Project
Scope reduced from $6.8 million to $4.9 million Reduced cost impact on local residents to zero.

6 Revisions Revised project does NOT include: Track
Concession stand and restrooms Dugouts Fencing Additional message board

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8 Revised Project Cost Allocations
Building Renovations and Security Upgrades Bus Garage Renovations Nature Study Area and Site-work Purchase of land adjacent to school/Creation of Soccer field

9 HCS Revised Capital Project Cost Allocation

10 Building Renovations & Security
Refinish gym floors $ 80,000 Refinish classroom floors [3] $ 22,000 Interior door replacement for library and gyms $ 40,000 Install Bilco door on basement entrance $ 7,500 Electric panel upgrades $ 30,000 Add cord reels in tech room $ 14,400 Strobe lighting to meet code requirements $ 90,000 LED lighting replacement $ 440,000 Sound systems in both gyms $ 38,000 Improvements to domestic water piping $ 250,000 Install eyewash stations with drains $ 40,000 Add a sink in the tech room $ 8,400

11 Building Renovations & Security Cont’d.
Replace 6 drinking fountains and add 2, all with bottle fill $ 48,000 Add air conditioning to upper gym and ISS room $ 170,000 Install bleachers in the upper gym $ 48,000 Enclose rear canopy for athletic equipment storage $ 125,000 Lightning protection $ 120,000 Add salad bar in cafeteria $ ,000 Ventless kiln $ 60,000 Interior work for natural gas conversion $ 70,000

12 Building Renovations & Security Cont’d.
Emergency backup power for computer circuits $ 75,000 Additional security cameras $ 84,000 Construct secure vestibule at main school entrance $ 100,000 Additional access control on exterior doors $ 30,000 Four emergency information monitors $ 7,500 Construction Contingency $ 300,420 Soft Costs (architect, financing, advertising, etc.) $ 460,644 Building Renovations and Security Costs $ 2,763,864

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14 Bus Garage Renovations
Fueling canopy $39,000 Interior LED lighting $55,000 Additional security access control $10,000 Replace concrete aprons at overhead doors $92,000 Construction Contingency $29,400 Soft Costs(architect, financing, advertising, etc.) $45,080 Bus Garage Renovations $270,480

15 Nature Study & Site work
Elevated wooden walkway to education pavilion $ 80,000 Education Pavilion $ 50,000 Misc. sidewalk replacement $ 24,000 Front step replacement $ 39,000 Natural gas line to school $ 30,000 Construction Contingency $ 33,450 Soft Costs(architect, financing, advertising, etc.) $ 51,290 Nature Study & Site work $ 307,740

16 Land Acquisition & Soccer Field
Student Safety-Regulation size and space beyond foul lines Current area would only allow 5 feet between foul line along Rt 16 and the other foul line along the building Decreased Transportation Costs-no longer need to transport students to Gile Hollow Park Convenience for our families All soccer games could be played at the school


18 Land Acquisition & Soccer Field
Soccer field development such as grading, drainage, water service $ ,000 Soccer Field lighting $ ,000 Scoreboard with new steel structure $ ,000 Sound System with new steel structure $ ,000 Construction Contingency $ ,525 Soft Costs(architect, financing, advertising, etc.) $ ,005 Land Acquisition & Soccer Field $ 1,578,030

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20 Summary of Costs CONSTRUCTION COSTS TOTAL $3,565,300

21 Project Alternates Install greenhouse [10’ by 20’] w/concrete pad and utilities ,000 Baseball dugouts (4 masonry with metal roofing) ,000 Tennis court resurfacing ,000 Relocate existing soccer field bleachers to baseball field, with new pad ,000 Elevator code upgrades ,000 Construction Costs $299,000 15% Construction Contingency ,860 Total Construction Costs $343,850 23% Soft Costs ,770 Total Costs $412,620

22 SMART Schools Bond Act Upgrade Phone System/Security $108,000
Exterior strobe lighting $ 36,000 Cooling System for Server Room $ 20,000 Promethean Boards $ 45,000 $209,000 100% NYS funded

23 in the lower gym lobby entrance
Vote Date Voting on the Capital Project will be held on: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 from 12:00 (noon) until 8:00 pm in the lower gym lobby entrance

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