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A Big Idea in Number is Doubles…

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Presentation on theme: "A Big Idea in Number is Doubles…"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Big Idea in Number is Doubles…

2 Let’s start with double twos

3 I made this puzzle using 2 twos. You make it with Chunkz.

4 We can label it with twos.
Remember to use your 2 cards to help.

5 I know two twos make four so we could also label this with 4
I know two twos make four so we could also label this with 4. But first we need to practice making some fours. It is very likely a student will shout out two and two is four. There is nothing wrong with sharing this piece of knowledge but the focus right now is not on equations… It is on the action of doubling an trusting the twos.

6 Practice printing some fours in the air.
Start Start

7 Give students symbol and word
4 four Give students symbol and word cards. Find and match the four and 4. Label your chunks..

8 Use your cards to label your puzzle as 4.
It is very likely a student will shout out two and two is four. There is nothing wrong with sharing this piece of knowledge but the focus right now is not on equations… It is on the action of doubling an trusting the twos. 4 four

9 Can you see (in your mind) another puzzle you can make with double twos? Tell someone what it looks like.

10 This will not create a puzzle.
Your outline will not be one shape. It will be two shapes.

11 Create and outline your puzzle for two 2s
Create and outline your puzzle for two 2s. Give it to someone else to figure out.

12 Students practice making different puzzles for 4
Students practice making different puzzles for 4. Some students might need to be challenged to make puzzles with 3 twos. Those will be sixes.

13 This task is not about equations. Label with 2s or 4 or 6
This task is not about equations. Label with 2s or 4 or 6. (See the Chunkz notes for more. We are building a spatial sense of the numbers.

14 Have students create, share and compare puzzles with 2 twos and puzzles with 3 twos. Can you “see” how the twos will fit?

15 Now let’s think about doubling threes....

16 LOOK… Here’s a three. Think about what it will look like if I double it….

17 I doubled the 3.

18 I outlined my puzzle. I can label it

19 Do you still see how the pieces fit?.

20 You build it.

21 I know 3 threes is six..

22 Here’s 3 again. Double it a different way.

23 Tell a partner what you are seeing in your head, then get out the threes and show your partner how you can build the puzzle.

24 I built this. Can you build and outline.

25 Do not be afraid to mix up both your threes
Do not be afraid to mix up both your threes. There are many possible puzzles. They will all be sixes. They will all fit 2 threes but I wonder if they will all fit 3 twos?

26 I built this. Can you build and outline.

27 As a class, how many different puzzles can you build using two threes
As a class, how many different puzzles can you build using two threes? Build a display.

28 Some students might need to move to the challenge of three threes
Some students might need to move to the challenge of three threes. What will those puzzles look like? Check the ChunkitZ notes for more ideas.

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