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Unit 3 Chapter 5: The American Political System

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1 Unit 3 Chapter 5: The American Political System
Would the American political system benefit from a stronger third party?

2 Requirements for a political party
Shared beliefs Program Chance of success Same political philosophy Turn ideas into reality after elected Realistic chance of winning

3 Political Party Goals Organize a political majority
Provide electable candidates Educate voters Finance election campaigns Winners to run the government People join parties based on economic, foreign policy, social ideas, freedom… Want candidates to be popular with voters.. Experience…. Have a platform – position on priorities Winners fill positions with supporters…. Cabinet, judges….

4 Origins of Two-Party System
Federalist and Anti-Federalists Washington warned against having parties. Jefferson formed the Democratic-Republican Party Republican party forms in 1854 Hamilton and Jefferson Farwell speech 1792 Republican dropped from name in 1825 Group get together to oppose expansion of slavery

5 The Era of the Democrats (1800—1860)
Democrats dominate all but two presidential elections. Mostly by giving political favors to supporters The Whig Party emerges in to fight this form of democracy but declines by the 1850s after two of its major leader died electing only two Presidents. The Republican Party is founded in 1854 in response to the problem of slavery

6 The Era of the Republicans (1860—1932)
Republicans dominate all but four presidential elections. They supported: Businesses Laborers African Americans Farmers The Civil War disables the Democratic Party for the remainder of the 1800s.

7 The Return of the Democrats (1932—1968)
Democrats dominate all but two presidential elections. Mostly due to Herbert Hoover’s ineffectiveness during the Great Depression Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President four times.

8 The Start of a New Era: The Era of Divided Government
Since 1968, neither Republicans nor Democrats have dominated the presidency Vietnam War Civil Right Movement Women’s Movement Scandals Horrible Presidents Congress has often been controlled by the opposing party.

9 What do you think the cartoonist feels about the differences between the parties today?

10 Why Minor Parties are Important?
Minor Parties have several important roles in politics The 3 most important are: Spoiler Critic Innovator Spoiler – take votes away from others Critic – often single issue Innovator – new approach to solving problem – ideas absorbed by major party

11 Minor Parties In The United States

12 Keeping the Two-Party System
Stability National election laws Size of the federal system Tradition of alternation in office

13 Political labels Left wing – liberal who want more government action.
Right wing – conservatives who want less government control. Liberals – want the government to protect individual rights and the common good. Moderate – “middle of the road”. Conservative – “government governs best which governs least”. Radicals – want immediate change, extreme measures. 30% Democrats, 30% Republican, independents


15 Structure of political parties

16 Presidential Election Cycle
1. The announcement 2. Primary elections – open, closed, caucus 3. National convention 4. The campaign 5. Election day 6. Inauguration Open – voters do not declare party Closed – only open to members of party Caucus – public party meeting

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