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A Constitutional Convention

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1 A Constitutional Convention
Information and Communications Technology A Constitutional Convention Using Todays Information and Communications Technology Then Ratify a Constitutional Amendment By The State Legislatures

2 INTRODUCTION Excerpt from the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence that explains the source of the authority to become independent was Nature and God. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to “modify” the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the” modification”.

3 INTRODUCTION The intent of this presentation is to explain:
How “Purposed Amendments” are created. How “Proposed Amendments” are ratified. Recommended “Purposed Amendment” for Amendment 28. Recommended “Purposed Amendment” for Amendment 29.

4 INTRODUCTION Why should the State Legislatures Intervene
When President Obama refuses to say there are “Radical Islamic Terrorist”. Obama says Climate Change is our most important. Issis

5 State Intervention Is there a conflict?
That to secure these Rights. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, , or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States Is there a conflict? It depends on the definition of 1 word and 2 words absent

6 AMENDMENT PROCESS Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America gives us two ways to make a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution and two ways to ratify it. Method 2 highlighted below is used for State Legislatures will use. "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution , or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” “or, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States,”

7 ________________________
AMENDMENT PROCESS Article V Allows Another Method to Ratify an Amendment "by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress;” ________________________ The only Amendment ratified by conventions is the 21th and Method 2. highlighted below is used for State Legislatures will use.

8 AMENDMENT PROCESS Article V does not contain a procedure or sponsor for State Legislatures to call a Convention for Proposing Amendments. There are people in a State Legislatures have not seen this process work and do not know this will affect their career , but after the first proposed is ratified. The first new amendment will be difficult if both sides have strong differences because there is no starting point is not a good idea to start drafting an amendment for a balanced budget amendment the first proposed amendment should be a bipartisan amendment that rewrites Article V in the 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

9 AMENDMENT PROCESS The first Proposed Amendment must be successfully rarified by 38 State Legislatures,

10 AMENDMENT PROCESS From here there are 3 ways to finish the process: The first proposed amendment is very bipartisan and very easy to get through the process. I suggest nonprofit organization give the first Proposed Amendment to the states. This gives them the opportunity to debate, make changes needed get it ratified. This proposed amendment will define the process state legislatures will for future amendments. This is a bipartisan Amendment and will also help the State Legislatures learn how to work together.

11 State Intervention When two thirds of both houses of Congress vote for a Proposed Constitutional Amendment it goes to Director of the NARA to coordinate it’s ratification by the State Legislatures. When asked if the same procedure would used for a Proposed Constitutional Amendment from the State Legislatures they said there was no procedure because it has not happened before and, understandably, would not comment on it. In my opinion the procedure to process Planed Constitutional Amendment is up to the State Legislatures.

12 State Intervention The first Proposed Amendment will be the most difficult because this process has not been used before and the content is bipartisan because, when it is ratified it will define the roles of Congress and the State Legislatures are in the Constitutional Amendment process, it will also and allows the State Legislatures to negotiate Proposed Amendments and when there are 38 State Legislatures are ready to ratify the Proposed Amendment

13 State Intervention The Constitution was ratified in 1787 when traveling and communication were very slow and it did not want to call for a convention unless there was a chance for that Proposed Amendment to be ratified, those obstacles are no longer there and todays communication technology allows us to have meetings and conventions without leaving your home or office. There is no need to waste time having a convention, we just need a system to keep up with suggestions for the Proposed Constitutional Amendments and allows the State Legislatures to negotiate Proposed Amendments and when there are 38 State Legislatures are ready to ratify the Proposed Amendment.

14 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 28 BEGIN Section 1. The purpose of this amendment is to repeal in Article V of the Constitution and replace and replace it with this amendment to clarify the roles of Congress and State Legislatures. From time to time one or more of three branches of the government exceed the power given to the by the Constitution, or, if the government is not able to solve a problem that divides the people, or, when the President or Congress forget they were elected by the people to represent them ,or, any other reason three quarters of the State Legislatures deem necessary for the State Legislatures to use their power to make an Amendment to the Constitution. Where the Proposed Constitutional Amendments come from is not a danger as long it takes three quarters of the State Legislatures to ratify it.

15 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 28 3 When two thirds of the State Legislatures request a vote on a Proposed Amendment it is send to the Federal Register to coordinate the ratification process using the same process it uses when the Proposed Amendment is sent them from Congress. The request for a vote is a document signed by the Speaker of the House and the LT Governor that they have the votes to ratify the Proposed Amendment attached to the document. If the State Legislatures may choose not to use the Federal Register and make another process

16 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 28 Regardless of how the Proposed Amendment was created it requires three quarters of the State Legislatures to ratify it. When two thirds of the State Legislatures have requested a vote on a Proposed Amendment, if their Legislature in not al ready in session the Governor of that state must call a special session of their Legislature for a vote on an Amendment. The Executive Branch, the Federal and State Courts are not part of this procedure is may not interfere with this process, unless requested by the leadership in both houses of the Legislature of that state. Section 4. This amendment is not intended to replace Congress. END

17 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 29 BEGIN The Purpose of this amendment is to protect the Constitution that was created by the 320 million people represented by their State Legislatures and changed by only nine people on the Supreme Court that have appointed to the Court for life and have made decisions that the vast majority of the people are against and did not realize that the people represented by their State Legislatures can override the Supreme Court. This amendment requires including what this amendment is intended to do and what it is not intended to do.

18 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 29 Regardless of the source of the proposed amendments, each amendment should consist of four parts State the purpose and Intent of the amendment The content of the amendment State the intended results The issue(s) and/or problem(s) that this amendment is not intended to address, if known.

19 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 29 The intended results should reduce the number if lawsuits that requires a court ruling on a Constitutional issue. Make it easier for the average voter to understand a Constitutional Amendment. Make more difficult for Judicial branch change the meaning of an amendment and stop Judges from infringing on Congress responsibility to make laws. Let all the federal, state and local governments that the Supreme Court does not have the last say on an issue, they now have oversite and accountability for their decisions

20 Constitutional Amendment Content
Proposed Constitution Amendment 29 To help stop words such as “modernize’, “adapt”, “improve”, refresh”, “update” and others used to justify a view or court decision of the Constitution are all indicate “change” and the only way to change the Constitution is by an amendment not a Supreme Court or Lower Court decision. END

21 Comments In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote about the rights endowed on us by the Creator and the power the people have to alter or abolish the government which is reflected the Article v of the Constitution and, in the third paragraph he began writing about the care we should be about exercising that right beginning with; “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

22 Comments I think the State Legislatures can comprise on issues that Congress has not been able to solve for years on issues like gun control, abortion, medical care, entitlements and other issues that have been talked about for many years. I think most people would agree that the advancements in technology in the 20th century and 21st century has been fueled by competition, we compete for jobs, spouses, sports and other things. Business competes for the best employees, the best product of service they offer, a larger portion of the market they sell to and other things. Our K-12 Education is an example of no competition, we are number one in cost and number 30 in the quality of education. Trial programs in using vouchers that allows student and their parents which school they attend got a better education, the cost was 25% to 30% less than public schools, why? No Competition.

23 Comments The States are competing for business to move to their state which we can see today as companies move to states that have lower taxes, fewer unnecessary regulations and a lower cost of living. What happens when you can no longer compete with the competitors in other countries? They move their manufacturing to another country because the taxes are too high on business and the cost of unnecessary regulations that have to added to the cost of their products and services which the consumers have to pay more for there products and services and these small businesses and large corporations.

24 Comments There are only three major ways that bring money to our country, they are: Agriculture that includes both farms and ranches that produce meat that can satisfy us and export more than we import. Mining that includes oil, natural gas and coal that produce satisfy our needs and export more than we import. Manufacturing creates the most good paying jobs and is absolutely needed to export more than we import.

25 Comments We must get manufacturing back into our country to create jobs that create demand from small and large businesses to support the people in manufacturing, agriculture and mining including oil and natural gas production

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