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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY EFFICIENCY = KEY FOR CARBON NEUTRAL EUROPEAN ECONOMY"— Presentation transcript:

Monica frassoni, President European alliance to save energy (eu-ASE) 6TH EU ENERGY DAY at Katowice cope24 11 DECEMBER

2 Energy efficiency is key to decarbonization
Globally, energy efficiency alone can deliver around 50% of the cumulative CO2 savings through 2050 required to meet global climate goals (IEA 2015) In EU, 76% of emission reductions to meet Paris objectives will need to come from energy efficiency (IEA 2015) Energy efficiency is the most cost effective way to decouple economic growth from emissions Despite that: World economy will triple between Global population will increase by nearly 2.3 billion by 2050 THIS MEANS: without bold energy efficiency policies, it will be impossible to reach the Paris Agreement

3 Energy Efficiency First BUT NOT energy efficiency only
Demand and supply side options are needed: decarbonising supply side alone will not be enough to meet Paris objectives RES + EE = 94% of reductions in energy- related CO2 emissions = Optimal pathway towards decarbonisation Accelerated deployment of renewables can increase energy efficiency Accelerated deployment of energy efficiency means energy demand is reduced so the same amount of renewable energy results in a higher share of renewables These synergies can be furtherly driven by: Digitalization: smart technologies such as connectivity, automation, data analytics enable active consumers and businesses to produce, store, self-consume or sell their energy locally Circularity unlocks deep cuts to emissions from heavy industry (steel, plastics, aluminum, cement) Robust regulatory frameworks are key to driving change (IRENA: Synergies between Energy efficiency and Renewables, 2018) On synergies between RES-EE you can also give an example of ART 7 EED, concretely on valuing savings from RES: EED states that measures promoting the installation of small scale RES energy technologies on or in buildings may be eligible to fulfil the energy savings requirement set in art7.1 provided they result in verifiable and measurable or estimable energy saving. srecital 43 specifies that this concerns RES to generate energy for own use (this also concerns CITIZEN ENERGY COMMUNITIES) (IRENA: Synergies between Energy efficiency and Renewables, 2018) THIS MEANS: EE & RES can deliver the transition only when working together

4 We need JUST transition towards carbon neutral economy
LINK WITH DEMOCRATIZATION and STRESS THE NEED FOR A JUST TRANSITION Yellow jackets as an opportunity to bring citizens into the discussion. Climate change needs global and not national response, but it starts at the local level- REFERENCE to CITIZENS ENERGY COMMUNITIES, which are demonstrating that when people generate their own electricity their awareness on energy consumption rises and they deliver increased energy savings.-> this has been presented by Josh Roberts from RESCOOP during our workshop. The president of RESCOOP will be in your panel. Josh stated in his presentation that Energy Communities save up to 20% of energy among members. Some results from a social study that he presented: a) Over 80% of the respondents view themselves capable or even very well capable of actually realizing intended energy saving targets. 60% view themselves generally capable to realize any other intended goals. This means that they view themselves better capable to achieve intended energy saving goals than other intended goals. b) Over 60% of the respondents has the intention to lower their energy consumption patterns. c) Over 60% of the respondents has the intention to only use energy that has been generated locally. d) 70% of the respondents commits themselves easily when they are challenged to save energy. e) 80% of the respondents has the intention to continually improve the energy efficiency level of their households. HOW ENERGY EFFICIENCY CAN HELP TO TACKLE ENERGY POVERTY – the need for JUST TRANSITION • In 2016 alone, roughly 50 million Europeans were unable to keep their home warm; this means 1 European out of 10. In some countries the situation is much worse, for example in Bulgaria where 46.5% of people are unable to keep their homes adequately warm in winter. in countries like Germany and France, thanks to introduced energy efficiency policies, household energy bills were cut by an average of €330 per capita between 2000 and The reduction of energy bills is not the only benefit of renovating energy poor homes. Even if energy costs are kept at the same level, the inhabitants gain significantly in terms of having a higher indoor thermal comfort and thus avoiding associated illness and resulting healthcare costs due to low indoor temperatures. TECHNOLOGIES EXIST AND BUSINESSES ARE HAPPY TO ASSIST THE TRANSITION BUT A CLEAR DIRECTION AND CONSENSUS IS NEEDED- for that citizens voices need to be listened to and heard. KNAUF INSULATION: one effective way of improving Citizens need to be included as active participants in climate discussions because they are at the heart of new decentralized energy system

5 TECHNOLOGIES EXIST but clear direction is needed
TECHNOLOGIES EXIST AND BUSINESSES ARE HAPPY TO ASSIST THE TRANSITION BUT A CLEAR DIRECTION AND CONSENSUS IS NEEDED- for that citizens voices need to be listened to and heard. EXAMPLE: Knauf Insulation experiment together with scientists to see how much money can be saved through renovation 2 families, 2 homes comparable size and occupancy: One home was insulated thoroughly, second house fell in the lowest G category of energy efficiency and was left untouched; The house with insulation spent 835€ on winter heating while insulated house saw their energy bills cut by 46% and spent total of 445€ = effective way of improving home’s energy efficiency is to install insulation. Simple wall and roof measures can cut by half the energy needed to heat and cool buildings. TECHNOLOGIES EXIST AND BUSINESSES ARE HAPPY TO ASSIST THE TRANSITION BUT A CLEAR DIRECTION AND CONSENSUS IS NEEDED

6 Question for audience Is Energy Efficiency First principle sufficiently recognized by legislators and decision makers? YES NO LINK WITH DEMOCRATIZATION and STRESS THE NEED FOR A JUST TRANSITION Yellow jackets as an opportunity to bring citizens into the discussion. Climate change needs global and not national response, but it starts at the local level- REFERENCE to CITIZENS ENERGY COMMUNITIES, which are demonstrating that when people generate their own electricity their awareness on energy consumption rises and they deliver increased energy savings. HOW ENERGY EFFICIENCY CAN HELP TO TACKLE ENERGY POVERTY – the need for JUST TRANSITION • In 2016 alone, roughly 50 million Europeans were unable to keep their home warm; this means 1 European out of 10. In some countries the situation is much worse, for example in Bulgaria where 46.5% of people are unable to keep their homes adequately warm in winter. in countries like Germany and France, thanks to introduced energy efficiency policies, household energy bills were cut by an average of €330 per capita between 2000 and The reduction of energy bills is not the only benefit of renovating energy poor homes. Even if energy costs are kept at the same level, the inhabitants gain significantly in terms of having a higher indoor thermal comfort and thus avoiding associated illness and resulting healthcare costs due to low indoor temperatures. TECHNOLOGIES EXIST AND BUSINESSES ARE HAPPY TO ASSIST THE TRANSITION BUT A CLEAR DIRECTION AND CONSENSUS IS NEEDED- for that citizens voices need to be listened to and heard.



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