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RFI Hillsboro Date: Authors: February 2007 February 2007

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1 RFI Hillsboro Date: 2007-02-07 Authors: February 2007 February 2007
doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI Hillsboro Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

2 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 Abstract Summary of changes on open RFI comments (based on 07/0023r19) during TGs Hillsboro ad hoc meeting Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

3 RFI Hillsboro Accomplishments Pending resolutions February 2007
doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI Hillsboro Accomplishments 484 open comments categorized 20 accepts 12 rejects 452 deferred 274 have pending resolutions Pending resolutions Routing/IW architecture (G) HWMP Terminology (RFI4) Metric (RFI3) Interworking (RFI12) Dependent/proxy (RFI2) Forwarding (RFI7, RFI8) More!? Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

4 Open RFI comments February 2007 February 2007
doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 Open RFI comments Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

5 RFI1 – HWMP Action frames
February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI1 – HWMP Action frames Description: The HWMP Action frames category is comprised of comments related to the content, format and meaning of elements in the HWMP action frames including the scenarios where these frames are used. Main issues raised by commenters: The meaning and usage of message fields. Redundant methods for achieving the same result. Use and effect of action frames. Expected resolution: Sections 11A.5.4, etc. must be modified to improve the description of the various message fields and how they are used as per issues raised. Section 11A.5.4, etc. must be modified to clarify the use and effect of action frames. A resolution must be reached on how to deal with redundant methods. Prerequisite Resolution of types and subtypes for all action frames Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

6 RFI2 – HWMP Dependent/Proxy
February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI2 – HWMP Dependent/Proxy Description: The HWMP Dependent/Proxy category is comprised of comments related to support of STAs and devices attached to MPs in general. Main issues raised by commenters: The scope of HWMP Algorithmic procedures upon receiving messages containing dependent/proxy information Mesh node inter-working and relative roles. Expected resolution: Section 11A.5 must be updated to clarify or otherwise specify the algorithmic procedures in question. The scope and role of nodes in the mesh must be clearly defined. Identify method to store forwarding information to dependent/proxy devices Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

7 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 3 – Metrics Description: the Metrics category is comprised of comments related to the way path selection metrics are calculated, stored and propagated Main issues raised by commenters: Multi metrics are not explicitly supported Link Establishment is specific to Airtime Metric Airtime metric is poorly defined and specific to some PHYs only Expected resolution(s) A submission which rewrites 11A.4 and redefines 11A and 11A may also have to be rewritten. 11A.4 should focus on the way the metrics are computed, not how they are used. Metric usage is specific to path selection and discover/peer link establishment. The way metrics are handled should be generic. The default Airtime Metric should be used as an illustration. Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

8 RFI 4 – Routing terminology
February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 4 – Routing terminology Description: This is a collection of comments that point to inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the text. Main issues: Forward route and reverse route are often confused by commenters Source/destination/next hop/previous hop etc. are often confused Destination Sequence Number of “source”? Source of RREP = destination of route? Expected resolution: Read/correct the HWMP text as necessary to address specific comments. Generic comments may be ignored (e.g. “please help me, I haven’t read the intro”) Provide “enhanced” graphic and/or table with terminology Discuss wording with “initiator”, “sender”, “recipient”, “target”, “source”, “destination”, “originator” etc. Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

9 RFI 5 – Parameters and Management
February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 5 – Parameters and Management Description: This category contains comments on parameters and their use Main Issues: HWMP has many CAPITALIZED_UNDEFINED_PARAMETERS Many controlled parameters don’t have MIBs MLME cleanup comments related to forwarding Expected resolution: Edits of the HWMP text to clarify the role and use of parameters Add management text to control essential MIBs Provide suggested values for HWMP parameters Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

10 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 6 – HWMP Educational Description: This category contains comments that reflect weaknesses/inconsistencies on the description of HWMP, not its specification Main Issues: N/A. Expected resolution: Addition/modification of the HWMP introduction to address the comments (8) Prerequisite HWMP terminology should be properly defined first (RFI4) Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

11 RFI 7 – Forwarding February 2007
doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 7 – Forwarding Description: the Forwarding category is comprised of comments related to the forwarding of packets in a general context Main issues raised by commenters: description of unicast forwarding is missing cases use of 6 address frame format MSDU ordering is not specified sufficiently group addresses Expected resolution(s) submissions that improve sections on forwarding, 6 address scheme submission on MSDU ordering related to RFI 13 Mesh Data Frame (TTL, E2E SN, AE flag + addresses 5&6) Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

12 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 8 – Broadcast Description: the Broadcast category is comprised of comments related to the broadcast of data packets in a mesh network Main issues raised by commenters: different broadcast mechanisms broadcast with multiple radios group addresses insufficient specification of details Expected resolution(s) submission that improves sections on broadcast forwarding (11A.2.4.4) Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

13 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 10 – Frame format Description: the Frame format category is comprised of comments related to non-technical issues of the frame format specification for RFI Main issues raised by commenters: Explanation of the fields need to be more precise and clear Either remove the procedure description or move it to appropriate places Obvious missing fields Expected resolution(s) A submission which improves a.1, a.2, a.4, , , , , 11A.5.6.2, 11A.5.6.3, and 11A Prerequisites Other resolutions will impact frame formats e.g. Metrics, dependent/proxy Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

14 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 11 – OLSR Description: the OLSR category is comprised of comments related to RA-OLSR Main issues raised by commenters: Explanation of the fields need to be more precise and clear Parameters are not all clearly defined Expected resolution(s) A submission which improves 11A.6 and adjoining frame formats ( ) Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

15 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 12 – Interworking Description: This category contains comments on the interworking text Main Issues: Relationship between portal and mesh functionality Addressing Expected resolution: Changes to the IWK text (11A.3) that give clarification of the issues raised Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

16 RFI 13 – Mesh Data Frame February 2007
doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 RFI 13 – Mesh Data Frame Description: This category contains comments on the format of mesh data frames Main Issues: Insufficient description of the fields in the mesh header (TTL, E2E Seq Num and 6-address extension) Expected resolution: Submission to improve the description of the mesh header fields Better explanation of 6-address mechanism (see Interworking) Dependency There may be some overlap with RFI12 Interworking There also may be some overlap with RFI7 (Forwarding) with respect to the TTL and E2E Seq Num Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

17 February 2007 doc.: IEEE /0238r1 February 2007 References doc.: IEEE /0023r13 – Resolution of comments received during IEEE Letter Ballot 93 Guenael Strutt et al. Guenael Strutt et al.

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