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BLUE GROWTH opportunities for sustainable growth in the blue economy

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1 BLUE GROWTH opportunities for sustainable growth in the blue economy
Argonowski CC BY SA 3.0, 2008

2 In 2020 €600 billion GVA 7 million jobs BLUE ECONOMY €500 billion GVA
The maritime pillar of the Europe 2020 agenda. The blue economy consists of all the economic activities related to the oceans, seas and coasts. This includes the closest direct and indirect supporting activities necessary for the functioning of these economic sectors, which can be located anywhere, including in landlocked countries." BLUE ECONOMY €500 billion GVA 5.4 million jobs Blue Growth

3 The blue economy (€ bn)

4 Blue Growth Sustainability Economic Growth Employment
Blue growth is sustainable growth and employment based on marine resources, scientific or economic activities in established, emerging and prospective marine and maritime activities. Sustainability does not only imply long term economic opportunities – but also enhancing skills and promoting advanced technologies, while safeguarding Europe’s biodiversity and marine environment.

5 5 focus areas 5 sectors will now come under review: maritime, coastal and cruise tourism; ocean renewable energy; aquaculture; blue biotechnology; and seabed mining. EU action will address bottlenecks in market regulation, R&D, and cross-border cooperation. Sustainable development of these sectors will be key.

6 Building the blue economy
How the Blue Economy will work Integrated Maritime Policy initiatives provide the building blocks of the blue economy. Access to marine knowledge and seabed mapping of Europe's waters will bring benefits of €500 million a year through increased efficiency and innovation; the implementation of maritime spatial planning can lead to positive economic effects ranging from €170 million to €1.3 billion by 2020; the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the surveillance of the EU maritime space will enhance the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of about 400 public authorities; sea-basin strategies can prioritise initiatives in Europe's coastal regions. Development of new products which can be used across the board. Example: sustainable anti-fouling products developed through blue biotech processes, new pharmaceutical products, etc. Development of multi-purpose structures. Example: the Plocan project for the construction of an offshore platform integrating leisure, aquaculture, transport and offshore renewable activities. Know-how from established industries to emerging sectors. Example: making use of cutting-edge technology and know-how from the oil and gas industry in the manufacturing and expansion of ocean renewable energy. Regional maritime centres. Example: maritime clusters such as in Ostend.

7 Better use of EU and private funds
: mainstreaming of maritime policy objectives => more targeted use of funds CSF funds to support 'blue economy' objectives, e.g. through the Atlantic Strategy Horizon 2020 EIB Private sector Examples of possible support from Common Strategic Funds: Offshore marine and wind energy Preservation of natural resources, biodiversity, sustainable management of coastal zones Support for joint innovative activities (e.g. maritime industries) Eco-innovation among SMEs Diversification of economic activities in coastal areas Support maritime education, science & research Support competitiveness through IMP policy tools Support for sea basin strategies

8 Harnessing our ocean wealth
Engaging Stakeholders Harnessing our ocean wealth Stakeholder engagement. The interest generated by Blue Growth is an opportunity to engage with stakeholders. For example, through workshops organised in the context of the Atlantic Forum that will lead to an Action Plan. We will also continue supporting integrated maritime plans at Member State and regional levels, such as in the case of Germany, Ireland, Portugal and France. And we are renewing the dialogue with NGOs.

9 Links Blue Growth Communication
Blue Growth Study Blue Growth webpage

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