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Green Government in New York City

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1 Green Government in New York City
Leveraging Information Technology to Achieve Efficiencies for a more Eco-friendly Government November 7, 2008 New York City Technology Forum

2 Looking Forward: Opportunities for the Future
Make IT investment decisions that will create change and efficiencies to stand for the next years. Choose to use technology that will help reduce power consumption Use and enforce power management Build, encourage and support an encompassing green culture Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

3 Examples of Green Government
Greening IT in NYC government Implementing green alternatives Streamlining business processes Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

4 Greening IT in NYC Government: Server Virtualization
Pooling and sharing of IT resources: Virtualization uses a combination of hardware and software to allow a single physical hardware unit to support multiple, individual operating systems. Why Virtualize? Virtualizing servers results in reductions to: Space requirements Power and cooling requirements Overall emissions Overall IT costs Photo Credit: Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

5 Greening IT in NYC Government: Data Center Review
PlanIT: Data Center Strengthening, Greening and Rationalization Create a “hub and spoke” arrangement of data centers to better: Rationalize the data center footprint Employ more efficient cooling technology Improve processes for capacity planning, monitoring and coordination of server deployment and maintenance Photo Credits: IBM Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

6 Greening IT in NYC Government: Desktop Power Management
Continued opportunity for savings: Explore solutions that could reduce the number of hours that desktop machines run at full capacity Consider opportunities to lower energy usage at each individual workstation Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

7 Implementing Green Alternatives
Watts depending on size 25-50 Watts depending on size Make green choices when purchasing or replacing office equipment and supplies Encourage greener office practices Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

8 Streamlining Business Processes
Leveraging wireless technologies Automating paper records Automating permit requests Reducing duplication of data through information sharing Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

9 Photo Credit:
Welcome to a Great Idea Photo Credit: Green Government in New York City November 7, 2008

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