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Ch 29 con’t.

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1 Ch 29 con’t

2 Plug & Chug What is the electric potential 15.0 cm from a 4.00 x 10-6 C point charge? General Physics 2 Electric Potential

3 EXAMPLE 29.8 Calculating the potential of a point charge

4 EXAMPLE 29.8 Calculating the potential of a point charge

5 The Electric Potential of a Charged Sphere
In practice, you are more likely to work with a charged sphere, of radius R and total charge Q, than with a point charge. Outside a uniformly charged sphere, the electric potential is identical to that of a point charge Q at the center. That is, Or, in a more useful form, the potential outside a sphere that is charged to potential V0 is

6 The Electric Potential of Many Charges
The electric potential V at a point in space is the sum of the potentials due to each charge: where ri is the distance from charge qi to the point in space where the potential is being calculated. In other words, the electric potential, like the electric field, obeys the principle of superposition.

7 EXAMPLE 29.10 The potential of two charges

8 EXAMPLE 29.10 The potential of two charges

9 Think-Pair-Share What is the potential at point A, taking V=0 at a great distance? If a charge of +4Q is placed at A, what is the potential energy? V is scalar, so they just add General Physics 2 Electric Potential

10 Workbook P. 29-1 #1 P.29-3 #5, 6 P29-4 #9 P29-6 #11, 12, 13 P29-7 #15
V is scalar, so they just add General Physics 2 Electric Potential

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