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Acid & Base Review Equilibrium Notes & Lab

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1 Acid & Base Review Equilibrium Notes & Lab

2 Evaluation/Assessment:
Objective: Today I will be able to: Explain how reversible reactions reach equilibrium Model the process of chemical equilibrium by completing a lab Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment: Monitoring student interactions as they complete the review and the lab activity Formal assessment: Analyzing student responses to the lab, practice and the exit ticket Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Reason abstractly and quantitatively Use appropriate tools strategically

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Explain: Equilibrium Notes
Engage, Explore Elaborate: Equilibrium Lab Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up Given the salt KCl was a product of a neutralization reaction, predict what reactants were used to produce the salt

5 Objective Today I will be able to:
Explain how reversible reactions reach equilibrium Model the process of chemical equilibrium by completing a lab

6 Homework Acid and Bases Exam Finish Equilibrium Lab Questions
Thursday, May 15 Finish Equilibrium Lab Questions

7 Agenda Warm – Up Equilibrium Notes Equilibrium Lab Exit Ticket

8 Equilibrium Notes

9 Brainstorm: What does it mean to be in equilibrium?

10 Chemical Reactions We are use to thinking about chemical reactions like this:

11 Chemical Reactions can be Reversible
Some reactions are reversible, where the products can regenerate the original reactants

12 Chemical Equilibrium The forward and reverse reaction rates are equal
Equilibrium DOES NOT mean the concentrations of reactants and products are equal


14 Dynamic Chemical Equilibrium
Chemists refer to equilibrium as dynamic because the reaction does not stop when it reaches equilibrium, but becomes constant The system is changing but there is no net reaction In a closed system, almost all reactions will reach equilibrium

15 Equilibrium Lab Complete the lab activity in class. If you do not finish the questions in class, they will become homework

16 Equilibrium Lab Directions
Watch Mr. Klotz’s Demo Do NOT throw the beans or you will complete an alternate activity When you finish with the beans answer the questions.

17 Exit Ticket If a reaction begins with a different quantity of reactant and product, can equilibrium still be reached. Explain based on what you saw in the Equilibrium lab.

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