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Mrs. Walton’s Class This week in: We are learning: Important Reminders

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1 Mrs. Walton’s Class This week in: We are learning: Important Reminders
Reading: This week, we will be focusing on the story, Mice Squeak, We Speak. We will respond to the story in writing. Centers: We are getting accustomed to the center rotations and center routine. I meet with small groups every day to share in reading and phonemic awareness activities. Math: We have finished up reading and writing the numbers This week, we will focus on learning the various ways to show five using two sets of objects. Religion: We will focus on the creation story and all of the things in nature that God has created. *Just a reminder- there is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, October 9, Columbus Day. *Wednesday is Grandparent’s/Special Friend Day. Please let us know if your child will have a guest. Important Reminders ~Fridays will be Fairness Friday. Please feel free to send in a book from home on Friday, for your child to look through at Centers time. ~Library will be held on Tuesdays. Please return books Monday or Tuesday. News Week of October 2-6

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