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Enacting the Maoist Vision

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1 Enacting the Maoist Vision

2 Enacting the Maoist Vision

3 Leadership: Politburo Standing Committee
Mao Zedong, CCP Chairman Liu Shaoqi, Soviet education, labor organizer Zhou Enlai, Premier, Diplomat Zhu De, Army General Chen Yun, Typesetter, Shanghai

4 Consolidation of Communist Rule
People’s Democratic Dictatorship Running dogs of imperialism GMD reactionaries landlords “bureaucratic bourgeoisie”

5 “Territorial Integrity”
Tibet Outer Mongolia Taiwan (Guomindang refuge) Hong Kong (British colony)

6 Foreign Aid and Support
Soviet Union Protection if attacked by Japan $300 million economic aid Evacuate Dalian by 1952

7 Consolidation of Communist Rule
Expand CCP, 1950 5,821,604 members People’s Political Consultative Conference Engage other political parties

8 Land Reform 1949-1950 Land Reform Party work teams Class labels
Poor peasant (70%) Middle peasant Rich peasant Landlord (2%) Peasant Associations “Speak bitterness meetings”

9 Land Reform

10 Land Reform

11 After Land Reform: “The Lives of the Peasants are Good”

12 Urban Reforms Restore order in Cities Work Units Street Committees
Anti-crime campaigns Public Health Campaign

13 Public Health Campaigns

14 Freedom of Choice in Marriage
Marriage Reform End arranged marriages Freedom to Divorce

15 Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries
Searching our Guomindang spies, 1950 Harsh treatment of spies and counterrevolutionaries

16 Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries

17 Mass Campaigns: Three Antis Reform in Party, 1951
Corruption (反对贪 污) Bureaucracy (反对 官僚主义 Waste (反对浪费) Three Antis- Reform in CCP, 1951 Vetting new members “Red vs. Expert”

18 Mass Campaigns: Five Antis Campaign Business and Industry, 1952
Reform Industrialists and Businessmen, 1952 End independent operation of industry Donate industry to state Retain management Five Antis: Bribery (反对行贿 Theft of state property (反对盗 骗国家财产) Tax evasion (反对偷税漏税) Cheating on government contracts (反对偷工减料) Stealing state economic information (反对盗窃国家经 济情报)

19 Foreign Imperialism War in Korea (6/25/1950)
Resist America and Aid Korea

20 First Five Year Plan 1952-57 Soviet Model State Planning
Heavy industry Collectivize Agriculture Mutual aid Voluntary Coops Collective farms

21 Benefits of Collectivization

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