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Anglo-Saxons: Angles, Saxons, Jutes; Bede, Beowulf

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo-Saxons: Angles, Saxons, Jutes; Bede, Beowulf"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo-Saxons: Angles, Saxons, Jutes; Bede, Beowulf
Tallinn French School Jaan Markus Jüriväli

2 Anglo-Saxons Anglos, Saxons and Jutes (Denmark and Northern Germany
Started raiding in the 5th century The Heptarchy (Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria) Began building towns in the 7th century (-ham) Celts were driven upland

3 Language Welsh has survived the best
Saxons gave England the language, Angles the name

4 People An agricultural people Self-sufficient villages
Very little trading

5 Christianity Began in the 6th century
St Augustine of Canterbury became the archbishop, restored a link to Christianity Anglo-Saxons were originally polytheistic Promoted the growth of big landed estates

6 Literature The Venerable Bede („father of English history“)
„Ecclesiastical History of the English people“ „Beowulf“

7 Sources
„British history“

8 Thank you!

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