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Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
PCP PRESENTATION 3rd and 4th QUARTER (Oct – Dec 2016 Jan - March 2017) Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Date: 20th June 2017 Venue: Parliament Time: 09H00-13H00

2 IPID Strategic Plan 2015/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16
INDEX IPID Strategic Plan 2015/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Introduction Overview of Overall Expenditure Overview of Quarterly Expenditure Expenditure for Third Quarter Expenditure for Fourth Quarter Forward looking implications of expenditure Summary of Q3 and Q4 performance Performance per Programme Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION The IPID consolidated performance, particularly in the third and fourth quarter, was greatly affected by budgetary constraints facing the department due to the following reasons, among other things: Budget cuts and ceilings placed by National Treasury on compensation of employees. Some of the activities in Investigations and Stakeholder Management were deferred to the next financial year. As a result, four (4) case classifications were prioritised for investigation; which are death in police custody, death as a result of police action, rape by police officer, rape while in custody and systemic Corruption. Management took drastic decisions to reprioritise departmental activities and the expenditure to remain within the allocated budget. Reallocation of funds has also been done from non-core to core activities of the Directorate in order to achieve more with less resources.

Some of activities affected: Filling of vacancies Training Internal Audit Annual Plan Procurement of SPSS Software (statistical analysis) Investigations Legal opinions provided to the Directorate Station lectures Community outreach events Stakeholder engagements As a result of curtailing the above activities, to avoid over expenditure, the performance of certain strategic objectives was negatively impacted

5 Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17
OVERVIEW OF EXPENDITURE Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17 Departmental Allocation and Overall Expenditure– 2016/17 R % Budget Allocation 100 Expected Target Spending (12/12) Actual Spending 99.84 Variance 0.16 As at the end of the fourth quarter, the IPID spent 99.84% of its budget. This resulted in an insignificant difference of 0.16% or R in monetary value. All Programmes reported expenditure of more than 99% of their allocated budget. This spending was however achieved in the context of budgetary pressures experienced by the IPID. It must be noted that the Department recorded accruals to an amount of R23 Million, due to invoices which could not be accommodated within the restricted baseline of the IPID. This is an indication that the budget allocation was not enough to support the operations of the Department.

6 Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17 Description Budget Expenditure To date Available Percentages of Actual Expenditure Programmes R’000 % Administration 72 522 72 374 148 99.8% Investigation & Information Management 155 482 177 99.9% Legal Services 5 288 5 236 52 99.0% Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Management 8 642 8 639 3 Total 380 99.84%

7 Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17
EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Ipid Overall Expenditure – 2016/17 Description Budget Expenditure To date Available Percentages of Actual Expenditure ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION R’000 % Compensation of Employees (CoE) 397 99.87% Goods and Services (G&S) 70 712 70 729 (17) 100.0% Payment For Financial Assets 93 - Transfers and Subsidies 549 Households 895 Payment for Capital Assets (M&E) 286 Total 380 99.84%

8 Ipid Third Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17
SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR THIRD QUARTER: APRIL – DECEMBER 2016 Ipid Third Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17 Items: Budget Allocation * Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. Economic Classifications R`000 R `000 % Compensation of Employees 40 909 75.9% Goods and services 70 847 62 449 8 398 88.2% Payment for Financial Assets 93 - 100.0% Departmental Agency & HH (Transfer) 1 434 1 154 280 80.5% Machinery and Equipment 155 154 1 99.4% Total for Economic Classifications 49 588 79.5% Economic Classification Spending Analysis: At the end of the third quarter the IPID should have spent 75% of its budget appropriation. The reported expenditure of 79.5% resulted in a spending variance of 4.5%. Spending pressures were experienced in all economic classifications. During the third quarter, the management of IPID took resolutions to curb spending pressures experienced as well as to prevent the IPID from overspending at year end. * These reflect budget allocations before final shifting and virements in quarter 4

9 Ipid Third Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17
SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR THIRD QUARTER: APRIL – DECEMBER 2016 Ipid Third Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17 Description: Budget Allocation* Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. Programme R`000 R `000 % Administration 73 156 58 820 14 336 80.4% Investigation & Information Management 30 616 80.2% Legal Services 5 724 3 670 2 054 64.1% Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Man. 8 903 6 321 2 582 71% Total for Programmes 49 588 79.5% Programme Spending Analysis: At the end of the third quarter, overspending against the 75% spending target was already recorded in Programme 1 and Programme 2, were the bulk of personnel and support services are accommodated. Both Programmes reported a higher than planned spending of 5.4% and 5.2% respectively. Due to the limited budget allocation, analysis confirmed that the remaining available budget will not be enough to settle all contractual obligations, such as office accommodation, security and cleaning services up to the end of the financial year, and as such Management Resolutions were implemented to prevent over-expenditure. * These reflect budget allocations before final shifting and virements in quarter 4

10 Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17
SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR FOURTH QUARTER: APRIL 2016 – MARCH 2017 Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17 Items: Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. Economic Classifications R`000 R `000 % Compensation of Employees 397 99.8% Goods and services 70 712 70 729 (17) 100.0% Payment for Financial Assets 93 - Departmental Agency & HH (Transfer) 1 444 Machinery and Equipment 286 Total for Economic Classifications 380 Economic Classification Spending Analysis: As at the end of the fourth quarter, the IPID reported an actual expenditure of 99.8% During the fourth quarter, the management resolutions to curb spending pressures assisted the department in not incurring unauthorised expenditure by overspending on the overall budget appropriation of the IPID. Despite managements interventions, the IPID still experienced accruals to an amount of R23 million, most of which constitute operational contractual obligations. This is clear evidence that the IPID budget allocation is not enough to cover the current operations, particularly on contractual obligations as the bulk of accruals related to operational obligations such as office leases, cleaning services, security services, and maintenance and rental of vehicles for investigation purpose.

11 Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17
SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE FOR FOURTH QUARTER: APRIL 2016 – MARCH 2017 Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17 Description: Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. Programme R`000 R `000 % Administration 72 522 72 374 148 99.8% Investigation & Information Management 177 99.9% Legal Services 5 288 5 236 52 99.0% Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Man. 8 642 8 639 3 Total for Programmes 380 Economic Classification Spending Analysis: All Programmes reported more than 99% expenditure of their allocated budget however the majority of performance targets were not achieved as planned due to reallocation of limited resources to cover some of the unforeseen investigative activities. Unanticipated litigations/ labour court settlements also added to the spending pressure experienced by the IPID as funds had to be reprioritised away from various planned activities in order to settle such.

12 Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17
FORWARD LOOKING IMPLICATIONS Ipid Fourth Quarter Expenditure – 2016/17 The IPID is in need of additional funding to sustain its current and future operations. Continuous reduction of the IPID limited budget will not only affect the Departments` ability to meet its Constitutional mandate but may also result in litigations due to the risk of default on IPIDs contractual obligations. The reported accruals confirm the Department case of underfunding, considering that contractual annual escalation fees and wage increments not funded in appropriations afforded to the IPID. The IPID has had to reduce annual performance targets in order to ensure that only funded indicators were included in the annual performance plan of A recent Constitutional Court Judgement on IPIDs independence will also put more pressure on the limited budget allocation, same as Farlam Commission recommendations which are not funded. A reduction of IPID approved establishment from 423 personnel to 388 due to budgetary reductions confirmed to the Department that the implementation of approved Expansion Strategy and funding of Section 23 will not be implemented as recommended as they are currently not funded. The Department continues to engage various relevant Stakeholders for intervention and support on the efforts made to secure additional funding for the execution of the IPID mandate in line with the IPID Act.

13 SUMMARY OF Q3 PERFORMANCE % of Targets Achieved in Quarter 3*
Programme % of Targets Achieved in Quarter 3* Programme 1: Administration 60% (3/5) Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management 52% (9/17) Programme 3: Legal Services 63% (5/8) Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Management 40% (2/5) Total Achievement of targets 54% 19/35 * This is the performance against Programme Performance Indicators (35) only, it excludes the Strategic Indicators

Programme % of Targets Achieved in Quarter 4 (Strategic Indicator & PPI)* % of Targets Achieved Annual (Strategic & PPI)* Programme 1: Administration 43% (3/7) Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management 37% (7/19) Programme 3: Legal Services 66% (6/9) Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Management 33% (2/6) Total Achievement of targets 18/41 * This is the performance against Programme Performance Indicators (35) and the Strategic Indicators (6)

Programme 1: Administration Targets Achieved (3) Target Output Comments Improved level of Risk Maturity (Strategic Indicator) Level 3 Achieved Number of reviews of Organisational Structure conducted per year 1 Number of reports on implementation of risk management principles produced 4 Targets Not Achieved (4) Reasons for Deviation Corrective Action Number of employees trained as per IPID’s Training Plan (Strategic Indicator) 150 106 Due to Budget constraints the training that was projected for the third and fourth quarter was deferred Some of planned training interventions will be implemented in the new financial year. Level of percentage vacancy rate per year <10% 11% Due to budget cuts some of the vacant posts were frozen Filling of other vacant posts was put on hold for filling in next financial year All vacant posts that are not frozen will be filled in the new financial year % implementation of Annual Internal Audit Plan 100% 70% Due to budget constraints , which affected the execution of planned visits for provincial audit reviews. The 2017/18 Internal Audit plan has been primarily confined to Head Office reviews, with only 3 provinces to be visited Number of statistical analysis reports on IPID performance produced Due to unavailability of funds to procure SPSS software The Indicator was discontinued

Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management Targets achieved (7) Target Output Comments Number of statistical reports generated as per Sec 9(n) of IPID Act 6 Achieved Percentage investigations of deaths in police custody that are decision ready 62% 71% Percentage investigations of discharge of an official firearm by a police officer that are decision ready 60% 65% Percentage investigations of assault that are decision ready 51% 59% Percentage investigations of other criminal and misconduct matters referred to in section 28(1)(h) and 35 (1)(b) of the IPID Act that are decision ready 57% Number of approved systemic investigations that are decision ready 2 Percentage of all backlog decision ready cases finalised (excluding cases of systemic corruption) 50% 52%

Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management Targets Not Achieved (12) Target Output Reasons for Deviation Corrective Action Number of employees trained on specialised services as per the investigation Training Plan (Strategic Indicator) 100 73 Budget constraints, training programmes were deferred to the next financial year Some of planned training interventions were deferred to the new financial year due to budget constraints Percentage of decision ready cases finalised (Strategic Indicator) 60% 59% Budget constraints which resulted in the reprioritization of investigations. Implement Monthly monitoring of performance and feedback sessions to track performance and conclusion of unfunded projects (Marikana investigation) Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of receipt of written notification 91% 80% Capacity constraints at some of Satellite offices. Management to deploy personnel from provincial office to assist Satellite offices Percentage of all active decision ready investigations finalised Implement Monthly monitoring of performance and feedback sessions to track performance and conclusion of unfunded projects Percentage investigations of deaths as a result of police action that are decision ready 52% 45% Delays in obtaining technical reports. Engage stakeholders to improve turn around time

Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management Targets Not Achieved (13) Target Output Reasons for Deviation Corrective Action Percentage investigations of rape by a police officer that are decision ready 65% 63% Delays in obtaining technical reports. Engage stakeholders to improve turn around time Percentage investigations of rape while in police custody that are decision ready 60% Percentage investigations of torture that are decision ready 51% 42% Percentage investigations of corruption that are decision ready 48% Due to complexity of investigation. Increase human resources and conclusion of Marikana investigation Number of systemic corruption cases identified and referred and approved 9 6 Systemic corruption not identified in some provinces Identification of systemic corruption will continue at an Operation Plan Percentage of criminal recommendations reports referred to the National Prosecuting Authority within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off 90% 79% Capacity and budget constraints as a result of having to travel to District Courts to submit recommendations. NDPP will be engaged to review their operational arrangements regarding submission of recommendations Percentage of disciplinary recommendations reports referred to the SAPS/MPS within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off. 81% Weaknesses in internal monitoring controls. The Case Management System will be enhanced to assist with monitoring referral of recommendations

19 PERFORMANCE PER PROGRAMME 3 Programme 3: Legal Services
Targets Achieved (6) Target Output Comments Percentage of legal advice provided to investigators from the total request received (Strategic Indicator) 90% 100% Achieved Percentage of arbitration, civil and labour litigation matters processed Percentage of oral legal advice provided to investigators within 24 hours of request Percentage of written legal advice provided to investigators within 48 hours Percentage of applications for policing powers processed within 10 working days of request Number of practice notes and directives (bulletin) issued (to provinces) 4

Programme 3: Legal Services Targets Not Achieved (3) Target Output Reasons for Deviation Corrective Action Percentage of written legal opinions provided to the Department within 21 working days of request 90% 72% Capacity constraints as a result of positions being frozen and vacant The selection and appointment process is in progress Percentage of policies reviewed for legal compliance within 21 working days of request 33% Percentage of PAIA requests finalised within 30 days 100% 91% Late submission of information by provincial offices Engagement with provincial management to be undertaken

Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Management Targets Achieved (2) Target Output Comments Number of media statements and responses issued (on matters that have a bearing on IPID)per year 40 245 Achieved Number of formal engagements on National level held with key stakeholders (SAPS, MPS, NPA) per year 12

Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Engagement Targets Not Achieved (4) Target Output Reasons for Deviation Corrective Action % implementation of Integrated Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (Strategic Indicator) Approved Integrated Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Draft Integrated Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy in place The consultation process with IPID management was delayed due to MANCO meetings being deferred to the next financial year Approval of the Strategy will be concluded in the new financial year to commence with implementation thereof Number of community outreach events conducted per year 108 98 The activity was put on hold and deferred to the next financial year due to budget constraints Communication Unit will assist the provinces by conducting some of the outreaches Number of station lecture awareness training conducted per year 180 82 The activity was put on hold due to budgetary constraints The indicator is not in line with IPID mandate, it was therefore discontinued Number of formal engagements conducted at Provincial level with key stakeholders (SAPS, MPS, NPA) per year 144 119 Under-reporting at provincial level Implement Monthly monitoring of performance and feedback sessions to track performance

23 CONCLUSION Indicators were revised to reflect funded activities
Continuous reprioritisation of core activities such as investigations to sustain operations within a constrained budget Prioritisation of high impact investigations Continuous implementation of cost containment measures Monitor implementation of identified corrective actions Filling of vacant posts

24 Thank you

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