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Lighting Design Process

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Presentation on theme: "Lighting Design Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting Design Process

2 Lighting Design Process
Read the script Or listen to the music Or watch the choreography • Once for general impressions (emotional response) ▪ Research images • Another time for analysis ▪ Historical research • Another time for cuing (looking for landmarks)

3 Lighting Design Process

4 Lighting Design Process
After cuing, and many discussions with the director, Draw plot from cue sheet The cue sheet is a list of the lights you need to put in the air.

5 Lighting Design Process
After plot, comes paperwork: Instrument schedule (each light listed by position) Channel Hookup (each light listed by channel) Shop Order (each thing you need to hang your plot) Magic Sheet

6 Lighting Design Process
Fixtures Dimmers Cables Color Color frames Gobos and frames Fog machines Control board Every fixture and Accessory you need for the show.

7 We will discuss magic sheets later.

8 Location Magic Sheet

9 Gen Set Magic Sheet

10 Lighting Design Process
After the paperwork comes Hanging the show Troubleshooting Focus Cue writing Technical Rehearsal Process

11 Lighting Design Process Cue sheet
Page Line/action Description 1 13 Song #1 - 9, Aeneas enter, whole cast sing joyfully in palace Golden look with royal reds and purples, btight happy mood 2 14 Act 2 Scene 1 Witches Cave, Song #7 - 8 large witches cast Dark, empty feeling place with many shadows, dark un seen faces and features. 3 Act 2 Scene 2 The Grove Songs #9 - 12 Open field feel, ligther, lush green openes, with an air of happines from the hunt, but the looming of an aproacing storm. 4 16 Act 3 the interior of Dido's chamber abord ship Song #13 & 14 the influence of the witches A Small chamber abord ship. Somewhat dark from the storm and the space. This can be played in front of the main act. 5 17 Act 3 the interior of the place as she turns away Aeneas Song #15. Golden look with royal reds and purples, but a much more dampened mood, as the distain Dido has is unfurled. 6 18 Act 3 the interior of Dido's Grave chamber as she chooses to die. A blank grey cold look as the choice of death is made over love. A feeling of emptiness and unresolved loss.

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