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Molar Mass.

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1 Molar Mass

2 Why 6.02 X 1023? Couldn’t Avogadro have picked an easier number to work with?? It has been determined experimentally that there are 6.02 X 1023 carbon atoms in 12 g of C-12. 1 atom of C-12 has a mass of 12 u 1 mole of C-12 has a mass of 12 g The mole allows us to easily convert from atomic mass units (microscopic) into grams (macroscopic)

3 1 C-12 atom has a mass of 12 u 1 mole of C-12 has a mass of 12 g OR 12 g/mole 1 O-16 atom has a mass of 16 u 1 mole of O-16 has a mass of 16 g OR 16 g/mole This applies to molecules as well: 1 molecule of H2O = 2 X1.01 u u = u 1 mole of H2O = g OR g/mole

4 Molar Mass The mass of 1 mole of any substance is called its molar mass and it is written in units of g/mol E.g. The molar mass of potassium is g/mol (i.e 6.02X 1023 atoms of K have a mass of g) * Don’t forget about diatomic molecules!! The molar mass of an oxygen atom (O) is g/mol. The molar mass of oxygen molecules (O2) is g/mol (16.00 X 2)

5 E.g. What is the molar mass of ammonium phosphate?

6 Practice What does a mole looks like? Worksheet P. 170 #7-13

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