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ECD Diploma Training Program: A Tool for Women Empowerment

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1 ECD Diploma Training Program: A Tool for Women Empowerment
Hashoo Foundation ECD Diploma Training Program: A Tool for Women Empowerment September 10, 2018 Shahida Sultan Head of Education

2 Introduction Hashoo Foundation, established in 1988, is a progressive and dynamic non-profit organization, dedicated to improving people’s lives through social and economic development programs.

3 Geographic Presence

4 Thematic Areas & Program Portfolios
Education Outreach Program Skill Development/ Hashoo Hunar Entrepreneurship Development Program Social Welfare Program Environment / Climate Change Program Health/Nutrition and Public Governance Thematic Areas & Program Portfolios

5 Education Program Overall Goal
To facilitate provision of access to inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities through formal and non-formal approaches in collaboration with local communities, institutions, development actors and policy makers for all, especially the vulnerable segments of communities throughout Pakistan

6 Objectives Objectives 1:
Build capacity of parents, communities and particularly of women to provide access to quality and sustainable ECD services and programs for young children of pre-natal to 8 in targeted communities /regions Objective 2: Facilitate access to quality education for all school age children (k-12), especially of marginalized communities through a range of programs including , scholarships and youth development programs Objective 3: Engage partners and civil society institutions for mutual education sector and gender development goals through forming working groups and other advocacy platforms.

7 Education Program Components
ECD/Education Training Program Child Education Support Program ( Talim Awards) Youth Development Program Scholarship for undergraduate students Youth Development Centers Youth life skills training School Improvement Program Partnerships/networking

8 ECD Program Goal “Building capacities of parents, caregivers, teachers, communities and ECD providers to support an enabling environment for care and nurturing of young children from pre-natal 8, leading to laying strong foundations for lifelong learning and health and ultimately to transform the society at large” HDRC, Rawalpindi

9 ECD Program Journey 2017-2018 2011-2016 2004 -2010
Initiated ECD Program in Rawalpindi Started Advance Diploma in Montessori Started Certificate Courses Conducted ECD Seminars for awareness ECD Trainings in Gilgit through GIZ program in 2015 with 400 trainees. Started regular ECD in Chitral in 2016 with 60 trainees. Design and start Leadership & Management course Trained Plan Pakistan ECD Centre Caregivers through “Basic Entrepreneurship Partnership with PSDF with 400 trainees in ECD and Montessori Education. 200 trainees trained in Certificate in Art & Craft. Started ECD Program in Lahore through PSDF Project Strengthening ECD partnerships and networking ECD Program Journey

10 4470 ECD Diploma Training Program Components Levels Certificate
Early Childhood Development Concepts Montessori Approach Kindergarten Approach High Scope Approach Early Childhood Education Management Child Care Services Life Skills Trainings Levels Certificate Diploma Advance Diploma Trained Youth 4470

11 Enrollment Status in ECD-Trades (Jan-August 2018)
S. No Trade Region # of Enrolled Trainees 1 Diploma in Montessori (PSDF) Rawalpindi 52 2 Lahore 25 3 Early Childhood Development (PSDF) 4 Art and Crafts Training (PSDF) 157 5 Diploma in Early Childhood Development (Regular) 18 6 Diploma in Montessori (Regular) 16 (266)

12 ECD Outreach Program for Gurunjur SMART Village Project
Total 33 women including fresh graduates, community teachers, educated young mothers/house wives and students participated in the training

13 Impact of Diploma Program: Lessons Learnt
ECD Diploma Program Outcomes for Women Trainees Parenting Skills Self-efficacy Entrepreneurship Skills Employment

14 Video

15 Way Forward Expansion of ECD outreach training program to empower more women and to enhance ECD access for all children specially in remote areas of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral Strengthening partnerships with academia at national and international level for aligning ECD training and quality standards Promoting public-private partnership for joint action and for taking ECD to scale to meet SDG 4

16 Thank You!

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