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“Undivided” Attention

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Presentation on theme: "“Undivided” Attention"— Presentation transcript:


2 “Undivided” Attention
May I have your “Undivided” Attention

3 It’s all about that base

4 Heredity

5 The cell cycle

6 Vocabulary

7 Miscellaneous

8 May I Have your Undivided Attention It’s all About that Base The Cell cycle Heredity Vocabulary Miscellaneous $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 This phase “pairs up”

10 Prophase

11 Mitosis, the chromatids
After this stage of Mitosis, the chromatids begin to pull “apart”

12 Anaphase

13 The stage when the cell is just growing and “chillin”

14 Interphase

15 What organelle produces
the spindle fibers?

16 Centrioles

17 actually makes the daughter cells, it’s after the cell has
This stage actually makes the daughter cells, it’s after the cell has gone through Mitosis.

18 Cytokinesis

19 The Shape of DNA is:

20 Double Helix

21 The 3 Parts of A nucleotide Are:

22 Phosphate, sugar, and nitrogenous base.

23 What enzyme unwinds the DNA?

24 Helicase

25 sister chromatids together is
The part of the chromosome that holds the sister chromatids together is

26 Centromere

27 What are the 4 Nitrogenous Bases?

28 Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine

29 The passing of genetic traits from offspring to parents.

30 Heredity

31 Having two different alleles for a trait.

32 Heterozygous

33 An organism’s physical appearance

34 Phenotype

35 This trait is hidden when the dominant allele is present.

36 Recessive

37 Different forms of the same gene.

38 Alleles

39 This stage of the cell cycle is where the cell simply grows.

40 G1 Phase

41 This stage in the cell cycle is where the cell divides.

42 Mitosis

43 Stage in the cell cycle where DNA replicates itself

44 S Phase

45 What stage prepares the cell for Mitosis

46 G2 Phase

47 What are the 1st three stages of the cell cycle called?

48 Interphase

49 What is a gamete?

50 A sex cell

51 What is a somatic cell?

52 Body cell

53 you see during meiosis & mitosis
One of the 2 strands of a chromosome that you see during meiosis & mitosis

54 Chromatid

55 Having two identical alleles for a trait.

56 Homozygous

57 Daily Double!!

58 Having one set of chromosomes; these are gametes

59 Haploid

60 When you make more DNA from a template DNA strand, it’s called?

61 DNA Replication

62 What base replaces Thymine in RNA?

63 Uracil

64 What genetic disorder did we discuss was extremely common in The Royal Family?

65 Hemophilia

66 If the new DNA strand is CTGCAATTCCG, what would the RNA strand be?


68 In ___________ reproduction,
the offspring is genetically the same as the parent.

69 Asexual Reproduction

70 Double Jeopardy!!

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