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Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD

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1 Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD
Hebrews 7-9 Jesus is better… so live like it! Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD

2 Introduction Authorship (2:2-3) – 2nd generation
Luke, Apollos, Barnabas? Setting (13:24) – probably from Italy Occasion (10:32-36; 12:1-7) – suffering of (especially Jewish) believers Timing – probably 65-67AD

3 Introduction Audience – Jewish believers (2:1; 3:1; 4:1; 6:1,9; 10:19,39; 12:1; 13:22) Unique Characteristic – Extensive OT Quotes (36) Controversial Issues Include – “warning passages” (2:1-3, 3:12-13, 4:1-11, 6:1-8, 10:19-31, 12:14-17, 12:25-29, 13:4-6)

4 Theme To demonstrate the supremacy of Christ, and to challenge believers to endurance and maturity in light His supremacy (4:1-6; 6:1- 8; 10:26-31)

5 Outline 1-2 Christ Superior To Angels 3 Christ Superior to Moses
4 Exhortation: Fear, Draw Near With Confidence 5 Christ a Superior High Priest (Perfect) 6 Exhortation: Press on to Maturity 7 Christ a Superior High Priest (Eternal) 8:1-10:18 Christ a Superior Mediator 10:19-10:39 Exhortation: Don’t Throw Away Confidence 11 The Faithful, and What They Did Not Receive 12-13 Exhortation: Walk With The Author and Perfector Outline

6 For this reason we must pay closer attention…

7 7:1-10 Superiority of Melchizedekian over Levitical Priesthood
1:2 Abraham tithed voluntarily 1:3 Uniqueness of Melchizedek 1:4-10 Levi’s timewarp tithing

8 7:10-28 A Better Hope than the Levitical Priesthood?
7:12 Is a new law in force? 7:19 What/Who is the better hope? (spoiler alert: 7:25)

9 8:1-6 The Main Point: He is a Better Priest
8:6 His ministry is better, His covenant is better 8:6 Enacted or fulfilled?

10 8:7-13 Comparing the Covenants, Part 1
8:8-11 The Jeremiah 31: covenant quoted, not changed, not augmented 8:13 The old, near disappearing

11 9:1-14 Comparing the Covenants, Part 2 9:1-7 The Old, w/ limited blood
9:8-10 foreshadowing of the new 9:11-14 Christ, a high priest with efficacious blood.

12 9:15-28 Better Covenant, Better Blood, Better Mediator
9:15 Specific Redemption (under the old covenant sins, recipients 3rd person plural) 9:23 Earthly versions were copies 9:28 Future return affirms His superiority

13 For this reason we must pay closer attention…

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