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Webometrics Team, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

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1 Webometrics Team, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
Mr. Uchenna Megafu, Webometrics Team, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus 27th April, 2018

2 WHAT IS WEBOMETRICS Webometrics main objective is to support open access initiatives and to promote global access to academic knowledge as produced by universities worldwide. Since 2004, Webometrics Ranking is published twice a year (data is collected during the first weeks of January and July for being public at the end of both months), covering more than 27,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. The web ranking propose is to motivate both institutions and scholars to have a web presence that reflects accurately their activities.

3 WHY RANK THE WEB The web is already the main tool for scholarly commutation The Web could reflect all the missions of the universities Research Teaching Technology Transfer The web reaches and it is accessed from every country of the world Web visibility has proved its ranking capabilities (E.g Webometrics Ranking of World's Universities)

Content to be made available online Research  Technology Transfer  Teaching Raw experimental data New software Conference slides/presentations Projects, Grants, Scholarships Project development/final reports, book chapters Books, papers, monographs Patents Drafts, preprints Peer reviews Papers in local/university journals Personal CV/Profile Research Team Description Press notes and Interviews TV programmes Thesis, dissertations Organized events calls Papers in prestigious journals Multimedia Workshop slides Bibliography's Bureaucratic reports Seminar slides/presentations Textbooks Book reviews Web sites for e-learning Answers for exams

CURRENT METHODOLOGY INDICATORS DESCRIPTION SOURCE WEIGTH  PRESENCE Size (number of webpages) of the main webdomain of the institution. It includes all the subdomains   Sharing the same (central or main) webdomain and all the file types including rich files like pdf documents  Google 5% VISIBILITY Number of external networks (subnets) originating backlinks to the institution's webpages After normalization, the maximum value between the two sources is selected  Ahrefs  Majestic 50% TRANSPARENCY (or OPENNESS) Number of citations from Top authors according to the source    Google Scholar  Citations 10 % EXCELLENCE (or SCHOLAR) Number of papers amongst the top 10% most cited in 26 disciplines Data for the five year period ( )  Scimago 35 %

University of Nigeria OER (Open Educational Resources) MIT OpenCourseWare Open Knowledge Repository

7 THANK YOU Link to Referenced Works
2018. Ranking Web of Universities. January New Edition, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), World Bank Group, UNN OER, Next Session: Theoretical overview & Practical application

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