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Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages (June 1997)

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1 Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 889-897 (June 1997)
Surround Repulsion of Spinal Sensory Axons in Higher Vertebrate Embryos  Roger Keynes, David Tannahill, Daniel A Morgenstern, Alan R Johnson, Geoffrey M.W Cook, Adrian Pini  Neuron  Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages (June 1997) DOI: /S (00)

2 Figure 1 Chemorepulsion of Dorsal Root Ganglion Axons by Surrounding Tissues (A) The diagram shows a chick embryo in transverse section at the level of the anterior half-sclerotome. DRG, dorsal root ganglion; E, ectoderm; D, dermatome; M, myotome (D and M together comprise the dermomyotome); S, sclerotome; NC, notochord; NT, neural tube; AP, alar plate; BP, basal plate; FP, floor plate; MN, mesonephros; and A, aorta. The left half of the figure illustrates the model for chemorepulsion of sprouting sensory neurons by surrounding tissues (see Discussion). Chemorepellents are secreted into the anterior half-sclerotome by the dermomyotome and notochord (thick arrows), with contributions from the ectoderm and floor plate. Bipolar DRG neurons sprout axons in dorsomedial and ventrolateral directions (open arrowheads). (B) Scheme for quantitation of chemorepulsion. Cultures were assessed under phase contrast optics, and each confrontation between tissues was scored between 0 and 10 as follows: 0—no or very little axon outgrowth in the proximal quadrant (right) compared with the distal quadrant (left; dotted lines delineate quadrants); 2—few axon outgrowths in the proximal quadrant, strong asymmetry compared with the distal quadrant; 4—greater outgrowth in the proximal quadrant, but axons are still >50 μm distant from the target and strong asymmetry comparing proximal and distal quadrants; 6—growth in the proximal quadrant approaches target (<50 μm) but does not contact it, asymmetry persists; 8—axons contact target, asymmetry is still detectable; and 10—axons have grown beyond the target, no asymmetry. Scores of 8 and above indicate no chemo- repulsion. The minimum distance separating the edge of the DRG from that of the coexplant was measured using a calibrated eyepiece graticule. In some experiments, the minimum distance separating the front of axons in the proximal quadrant from the edge of the coexplant was also measured. In the case of the “sandwich” experiments (Figure 4D), axon growth in both lateral quadrants was also assessed. Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

3 Figure 4 Chemorepulsion of DRG Axons by the Notochord
(A) Stage 28 DRG cultured with a piece of stage 17 notochord. Residual perinotochordal mesenchyme cells are visible. (B) Stage 28 DRG cultured with extruded notochord cells. (C) “Halo” experiment of the type shown in Figure 3, using stage 16–17 notochord. Mean separation between DRG and notochord, 780 ± 48 μm, n = 4; mean distance between front of axons and notochord, 285 ± 40 μm. As before, axons avoid the target when within range of chemorepulsion, turning in the gel to grow circumferentially (compare with Figure 3B). Figure 3 Axons Turn within the Collagen Gel to Avoid Dermomyotome/Ectoderm at a Distance (A) Four stage 28 DRGs, placed beyond the range of chemorepulsion, extend normal numbers of axons toward the dermomyotome/ectoderm (centre), but avoid it when within range of chemorepulsion, generating a “halo” region devoid of axons around the target. (B) Axons have turned within the collagen gel and are growing circumferentially. Scale bar = 200 μm ([A] and [B]). (D) “Sandwich” experiment, with a stage 28 DRG placed between stage 17 dermomyotome and notochord (from the same embryo). Axons project in a bipolar manner parallel to the two sources of repellent. Scale bar = 200 μm (A–D). (E) Quantification of axon growth in the presence of notochord (ordinate, mean score). Noto, notochord. Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

4 Figure 4 Chemorepulsion of DRG Axons by the Notochord
(A) Stage 28 DRG cultured with a piece of stage 17 notochord. Residual perinotochordal mesenchyme cells are visible. (B) Stage 28 DRG cultured with extruded notochord cells. (C) “Halo” experiment of the type shown in Figure 3, using stage 16–17 notochord. Mean separation between DRG and notochord, 780 ± 48 μm, n = 4; mean distance between front of axons and notochord, 285 ± 40 μm. As before, axons avoid the target when within range of chemorepulsion, turning in the gel to grow circumferentially (compare with Figure 3B). Figure 3 Axons Turn within the Collagen Gel to Avoid Dermomyotome/Ectoderm at a Distance (A) Four stage 28 DRGs, placed beyond the range of chemorepulsion, extend normal numbers of axons toward the dermomyotome/ectoderm (centre), but avoid it when within range of chemorepulsion, generating a “halo” region devoid of axons around the target. (B) Axons have turned within the collagen gel and are growing circumferentially. Scale bar = 200 μm ([A] and [B]). (D) “Sandwich” experiment, with a stage 28 DRG placed between stage 17 dermomyotome and notochord (from the same embryo). Axons project in a bipolar manner parallel to the two sources of repellent. Scale bar = 200 μm (A–D). (E) Quantification of axon growth in the presence of notochord (ordinate, mean score). Noto, notochord. Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

5 Figure 3 Axons Turn within the Collagen Gel to Avoid Dermomyotome/Ectoderm at a Distance (A) Four stage 28 DRGs, placed beyond the range of chemorepulsion, extend normal numbers of axons toward the dermomyotome/ectoderm (centre), but avoid it when within range of chemorepulsion, generating a “halo” region devoid of axons around the target. (B) Axons have turned within the collagen gel and are growing circumferentially. Scale bar = 200 μm ([A] and [B]). Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

6 Figure 2 Chemorepulsion of Chick DRG Axons, But Not Olfactory Bulb Axons, by Dermomyotome/Ectoderm (A) Stage 28 chick DRG cultured for 24 hr in collagen in the presence of 50 ng/ml NGF, BDNF, and NT-3. Axons extend radially in three dimensions, in and out of the focal plane. (B) Stage 28 chick DRG (right) cocultured with a group of four dermomyotomes and attached ectoderm. Strong chemorepulsion of DRG axons is seen. (C) Stage 28 chick DRG (right) cocultured with dermomyotome dissected from a single somite together with overlying ectoderm. Strong chemorepulsion is still visible. (D) Stage 36 olfactory bulb (right) cocultured with a group of three dermomyotomes and attached ectoderm. Scale bar = 200 μm (A–D). (E) Quantification of axon growth in cocultures, according to the scheme shown in Figure 1B. Each histogram shows the mean score + SEM (ordinate) for a set of cocultures between tissues indicated as follows: DMy, chick dermomyotome; Ect, chick ectoderm; DRG, chick dorsal root ganglion; Ant Scl, chick anterior half-sclerotome; mDMy/Ect, mouse dermomyotome/ectoderm; mDRG, mouse DRG; and Olf bulb, chick olfactory bulb. Single dermomyotome/ectoderm explants were used. The number in parentheses indicates the number of separate confrontations between tissues. Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

7 Figure 5 Absence of Chemorepulsion by Posterior Half-Sclerotome
(A) Stage 28 DRG cultured with three chick posterior half-sclerotomes. Scale bar = 200 μm. (B) Quantification of axon growth (ordinate, mean score). Post Scl, chick posterior half-sclerotome; Ant Scl, chick anterior half-sclerotome; mPost Scl, mouse posterior half- sclerotome; Vert Col, vertebral column; and Mes, mesonephros. Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

8 Figure 6 Coculture of DRGs with Neural Tube
(A) Quantification of axon growth in the presence of neural tube. All tissues were dissected from chick embryos. The mean score (ordinate) for floor plate cultures was significantly less than that for basal plate cultures (P < 0.001, Student's t-test), and significantly greater than that for dermomyotome/ectoderm (Figure 2E; P < 0.001). (B) Stage 28 DRG (below) cultured with stage 18 basal plate (above). No chemorepulsion is seen. (C) DiA labeling of the DRG seen in (B) to confirm the absence of chemorepulsion. (D) Stage 28 DRG (center left) cultured with stage 18 basal plate/floor plate. The DRG lies adjacent to the floor plate, and some chemo- repulsion is visible. Scale bar = 200 μm (B–D). Neuron  , DOI: ( /S (00) )

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