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A Song of Thanksgiving and Praise

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1 A Song of Thanksgiving and Praise
Psalm 136 Terry M. Smoak

2 The Lord’s _______________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise.
A SONG OF THANKSGIVING & PRAISE The Lord’s _______________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise. exalted character We are grateful for God’s ________. We are grateful for God’s _____. We are grateful for God’s _________. goodness being dominion Psalm 136:1 – 3

3 2. The Lord’s _____________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise.
A SONG OF THANKSGIVING & PRAISE 2. The Lord’s _____________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise. creative power Psalm 136:4 – 9

4 3. The Lord’s ___________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise.
A SONG OF THANKSGIVING & PRAISE 3. The Lord’s ___________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise. saving grace Psalm 136:10 – 15

5 4. The Lord’s _________________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise.
A SONG OF THANKSGIVING & PRAISE 4. The Lord’s _________________ is cause for thanksgiving and praise. gracious provision Psalm 136:16 – 26

6 A Song of Thanksgiving & Praise
Psalm 136 The Lord’s exalted character, creative power, saving grace, and gracious provision are cause for thanksgiving and praise.

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