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Feedback on Mid-Term Assessment of
CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 4th meeting - 12/02/09 Agenda item 3.A Feedback on Mid-Term Assessment of Implementing the EC Biodiversity Action Plan Micheal O’Briain, ENV.B.2
To provide 1st. comprehensive assessment of progress at both Community & Member State levels To outline most important activities undertaken & determine if significant delivery of objectives/targets To highlight any significant gaps in delivery To identify key priorities for further action to provide a platform to revisit the issue of biodiversity protection at the highest political level (this is last real stock-taking opportunity before 2010)
Communication to the Council and European Parliament Summary 12-page official document in all languages Updated Summary of Community level action provides a synthesis of progress for each of the c.150 BAP actions Summary Country Profiles providing 1st national assessments on implementation EU Biodiversity Action Plan with focus at the level of objectives and targets A Consolidated Profile to complement and provide more detailed data to underpin the summary presented in the Communication presents a comparative factual assessment of progress, at Community and Member State level SEBI 2010 Biodiversity Indicators 26 indicator "fact sheets" from EEA led project
EU will not meet its 2010 target of halting biodiversity decline based on current efforts. EU policies and legislation already provide a strong basis to address the biodiversity challenge but they need to be effectively implemented. Will require intensive efforts over the next 2 years, both at the level of the EU and by the Member States, if we are even to approach this objective Communication identifies priorities for further action
Habitats Directive 'health check' indicating 50% of species & up to 80% of habitat types, unfavourable status positive trends for some species e.g. recovery of some large carnivores Over 40% of European bird species have an unfavourable status Farmland birds declined stabilized but recovery will take a lot longer “Science” analysis showing that the Birds Directive has made a significant difference in halting the decline of many of Europe's most threatened birds (SEBI 2010) also revealing positive trends such as in water quality Global situation more alarming - pressures on biodiversity have intensified (TEEB) concludes that, in a "business as usual" scenario, the current decline in biodiversity and related loss of ecosystem services will continue and even accelerate
OBJECTIVE 1: To safeguard the EU's most important habitats and species
Plans on target to complete the terrestrial part of Natura 2000 by Additional efforts are needed, in particular, to finalise the marine network by 2012 Challenge increasingly becoming one of effective management & restoration of sites within Natura 2000 network. At a French Presidency meeting in La Réunion in July 2008 representatives of OCTs, ORs and Member States undertook to develop voluntary "Natura 2000-like" networks in the OCTs and ORs.
OBJECTIVE 2: To conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider EU countryside
Very large investments for nature in RDP ( ) although significant differences between MS A Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) for rural development to include biodiversity-relevant indicators To avoid potential negative impact of projected expansion of crops dedicated to the production of biomass and biofuels COM has proposed sustainability criteria for biofuels in the proposed Directive on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Failure to adopt proposed Soil Framework Directive still leaves a major legislative gap in relation to the preservation of soil structure and functions.
OBJECTIVE 3: To conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in the wider EU marine environment New Marine Strategy Framework Directive provides the basis to achieve good environmental status + improved conservation status for the EU's marine biodiversity Many commercial fish stocks still outside safe biological limits & requiring a significant reduction in overall fishing pressure to sustainable levels within the framework of CFP. New Data Collection Regulation will support periodic assessments of the progress of the CFP in integrating biodiversity protection requirements Not possible to determine level of investment in biodiversity under EFF
OBJECTIVE 4: To reinforce the compatibility of regional and territorial development with biodiversity in the EU Important investments in biodiversity under new Structural Funds As a significant share of the are for new Member States, this inevitably leads to greater pressures on biodiversity and requires careful planning to ensure that infrastructure needs are compatible with biodiversity protection. No agreement at Community level on specific biodiversity indicators as part of the core Structural Funds indicators, some Member States have developed such indicators and this experience should be extended to other countries. Need to build on existing good practice cases demonstrating that Cohesion policy is having beneficial impacts for biodiversity.
OBJECTIVE 5: To substantially reduce the impact on EU biodiversity of invasive alien species and alien genotypes As this remains a significant policy gap, a new Communication "Towards an EU Strategy on Invasive Species" was adopted on 3 December 2008 (COM (2008) 789 final). This: examines the evidence regarding the ecological, economical and social impact of invasive species in Europe analyses the effectiveness of the current legal situation for tackling this problem describes 4 possible options for a future EU strategy
OBJECTIVE 6: To substantially strengthen effectiveness of international governance for biodiversity and ecosystem services EU continues to play a key role in global governance on biodiversity, especially within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity However, unprecedented efforts - called for in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - not yet forthcoming. A major strengthening of global action is still needed to significantly reduce current rates of biodiversity loss globally by 2010. Full advantage must be taken of 2010 as the UN International Year on Biodiversity to promote awareness of and global action for biodiversity.
OBJECTIVE 7: To substantially strengthen support for biodiversity and ecosystem services in EU external assistance Despite the fact that average annual EU external assistance for biodiversity represents almost 50% of aid related to global biodiversity there are still great challenges in mainstreaming biodiversity into development co-operation. Better information on the economics of biodiversity and on its linkages to poverty issues is needed to help decision makers direct more attention to this issue. TEEB study will help address this concern. Need for further progress in ensuring that environmental assessments (SEA/EIA) are systematically carried out in relation to environmentally sensitive aid operations funded by Member States and the EC
OBJECTIVE 8. To substantially reduce the impact of international trade on global biodiversity & ecosystem services. Progress has been made in implementing the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan COM continues to address the potential impact of trade on biodiversity through Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIAs) of major trade negotiations Key challenge to ensure that recommendations made in Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIAs) are acted upon and to enhance our understanding of the impact of EU consumption of food and non-food commodities (e.g. meat, soy beans, palm oil, metal ores) that are likely to contribute to biodiversity loss. This could lead to considering policy options to reduce this impact.
OBJECTIVE 9: To support biodiversity adaptation to climate change
Communication on deforestation proposes that, within the framework of the UNFCC negotiations on the future climate regime, EU calls for halting global forest cover loss by 2030 at the latest and reducing gross tropical deforestation by at least 50% by 2020 from current levels. Need for wider recognition of the critical role ecosystems play in strengthening resilience to environmental stress and reducing exposure to climate change. In 2009 the Commission will issue a white paper on adapting to climate change that should strengthen the synergies between biodiversity and climate change policy
OBJECTIVE 10: To substantially strengthen the knowledge base for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in the EU and globally Need to ensure that MS and COM research funding adequately support biodiversity policy. A second phase of the TEEB study will provide policy conclusions in 2009. EC is also engaged in the global follow-up to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) - committed to developing a regional assessment for Europe. The EC is supporting UNEP proposal to establish an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES), to strengthen independent scientific advice to global policy making
SUPPORTING MEASURE 1: Ensuring adequate financing
Need to further develop approaches to determine how much Community funding has been used by the Member States for nature, and whether this is sufficient to support the management and restoration of Natura 2000 & wider biodiversity needs Site management plans need to be further developed - lack of such tools a potentially serious limitation to ensuring adequate financing of the Natura 2000 network. A new Commission study aims to further support linkages between the financing and management of Natura 2000.
SUPPORTING MEASURE 2: Strengthening EU decision–making and Implementation
Governance structure for nature and biodiversity issues within the EU has been reviewed Regular meetings of the Nature Directors from the EU Member States cover BAP issues A new Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature oversees a joint technical work programme for nature and biodiversity There is a need to further strengthen the mechanisms for co-operation within and between the Community and Member States in delivering the Action Plan, especially with regard to policy sectors affecting biodiversity
SUPPORTING MEASURE 3: Building partnerships.
The Commission is establishing an EU Business and Biodiversity technical support platform. A 'Natura 2000 Partner Reward Scheme' is being established to promote the management of, and communication of Natura 2000.
SUPPORTING MEASURE 4: Building public education, awareness and participation
To harness public support for EU action to halt biodiversity loss, the Commission is considering priority actions for a public communication campaign to be launched in support of national and other campaigns Biodiversity also needs to be better integrated into communication campaigns promoting sustainable lifestyles and sustainable consumption and production
MONITORING SEBI 2010 needs to be complemented by other sets of indicators, especially those designed to assess progress in policy sectors. Funding for biodiversity monitoring lags substantially behind national investments in other environmental issues and needs to be increased significantly to allow for comprehensive future assessments.
Council Spring European Council (limited to key messages) More substantial June Environment Council conclusions (with IS) EP No resolution foreseen but dedicated meeting of Intergroup on Sustainable Development on Mid-term Assessment of BAP Committee of the Regions Working on recommendation Economic and Social Committee Considering recommendation
FUTURE REPORTING Commission to provide Community level update in 2009
EEA to provide a report on SEBI indicators (Mid-2009) Commission to provide in 2010 « a full evaluation of extent to which EU has met its 2010 targets » This will entail a full Community & Member State assessment Will build upon existing data collection (including MS profiles) Will apply the same principles of data collection (use available data streams, questionnaire to fill gaps) Will launch data collection exercise with Member States in early Autumn 2009
Debate already underway on developing post 2010 approach Key global dates in 2010 are CBD COP10 (October) and UNGA (September) where new global target to be fixed, also UN working group meeting in May to help develop this Important to define EU position/target in advance – proposal to agree this under ES presidency in first half 2010 COM would aim to provide input to this in first quarter of 2010 Key elements to feed into this (BAP mid-term assessment, Article 17HD assessment, TEEB, etc.) high-level stakeholder conference in Athens, April 2009 , to examine practical ways to develop post 2010 vision and targets
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