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Logic Gates.

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Presentation on theme: "Logic Gates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logic Gates

2 NOT Gate Also known as an inverter

3 AND Gate

4 OR Gate

5 XOR Gate

6 What are digital circuits?
System of logic components that model some Boolean expression Inputs  Digital Circuit  Output Example: ~x · y = z

7 Example – Circuit  Expression
What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model? Answer: ~x + ~y = z

8 Example – Circuit  Expression
What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model? Answer: f = xy + yz + ~xz

9 Your Turn What Boolean function does the following digital circuit model?

10 Example – Expression  Circuit
Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = ~(xy+z)

11 Example – Expression  Circuit
Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = ~(x+z)·(x+y)

12 Your Turn Draw the logic circuit that corresponds to the following Boolean expression: f = xy + ~xy + ~(yz)

13 NAND Gate ~(xy)

14 NOR GATE ~(x+y)

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