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University of California, Berkeley

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1 University of California, Berkeley
EFFICIENT POPULATION TRANSFER IN A MULTI-LEVEL ATOM University of California, Berkeley G. D. Chern A. T. Nguyen D. Budker M. Zolotorev

2 OUTLINE Motivation Population Scheme Adiabatic Passage Calculations
Experimental Setup Data Experimental Results Conclusions


Mirror reflection Parity operator P and eigenstate Y(r) P Y(r)= + Y(r)  Y(r) EVEN P Y(r)= - Y(r)  Y(r) ODD Interaction CONSERVES PARITY if Y(r) simultaneously an eigenstate of P and Hamiltonian H

5 Parity Nonconservation (PNC) in Atoms
CONSERVES PARITY: Dominant electromagnetic interactions e- q g Definite parity eigenstates

6 Smaller weak interactions between valence electron and nucleus
DOES NOT CONSERVE PARITY: Smaller weak interactions between valence electron and nucleus e- q Z0 New eigenstates, e.g.

7 Why Dysprosium (Dy)? Pair of nearly-degenerate opposite parity states
 enhances mixing A tA=7.9ms B tB >200ms 3.1 MHz Ground State Energy (cm-1) 20,000 Isotopic comparisons: Cancel Atomic Theory Odd isotopes: Anapole moment

8 Other Applications for Dy
Investigation of Sokolov effect [B. B. Kadomtsev et al., Physica Scripta. 54, (1996)] New PNC effects [T. Gasenzer et al., European Journal of Phys. (1999)]

9 |Hw|=|2  3| Hz Atomic calculations predicted: Hw=70  40 Hz
[V. A. Dzuba et al., Phys. Rev. A 50, 3812 (1994)] Using pulsed lasers, we reported: |Hw|=|2  3| Hz [A. T. Nguyen et al., Phys. Rev. A 56, 3453 (1997)] Improve statistical sensitivity

10 POPULATION SCHEME 4f9 6s2 6p f J=9 1397 nm (.30(9) b.r.) B 4f9 5d2 6s
EVEN ODD 4f10 6s2 G J=8 4f10 5d 6s2 A J=10 4f9 6s2 6p f J=9 e 4f9 5d 6s2 B 4f9 5d2 6s 833 nm 669 nm 1397 nm (.30(9) b.r.)

11 Send atomic beam across cw laser
laser beam atomic beam Consider a two-level atom |g> |e> w0 light atomic states Oscillations at Rabi freq. WR = d E  50% prob. to be in excited state Prob. to be in state |e> time 1

12 [C. R. Ekstrom et al., Optics Comm. 123.505 (1996)]
PROBLEM: cw laser excites only small fraction of transverse atomic velocity distribution # of atoms in state |g> vT SOLUTION: diverge laser beam to match atomic beam divergence [C. R. Ekstrom et al., Optics Comm (1996)] diverging laser beam atomic beam Due to Doppler effect, almost entire distribution excited

13 ADIABATIC PASSAGE ADIABATIC PASSAGE: robust population technique
 Allows 100% prob. to be in excited state Prob. to be in state |e> time 1 Each atom “sees” change in detuning as it traverses laser beam Analogous to adiabatic passage in NMR

14 “Dress” atomic states w/ photon states: |g, n> and |e, n-1>
Dressed Atom Model Include atoms and light field in basis states “Dress” atomic states w/ photon states: |g, n> and |e, n-1> Eigenstates in dressed atom basis: |1> and |2> Detuning Energy |1> |2> |g, n> |e, n-1>

15 Adiabatic Criteria Change in detuning D is slow compared to Rabi frequency WR Lifetime of upper state t is longer than time T for inversion to occur

16 CALCULATIONS Hamiltonian: Density Matrix: Liouville Equation:

17 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP a) atomic beam produced by
effusive oven source at T=1500 K b) atomic beam collimators c) cylindrical lenses to diverge laser beams d) spherical mirror to improve light collection efficiency e) interference filter(s)

18 DATA First transition: state G  state e 833-nm fluorescence

19 Probe with 669-nm laser

20 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FIRST transition: ~50% efficiency
Limited only by insufficient laser power  need to double power SECOND transition: ~80% efficiency THIRD transition: 30% efficiency determined by branching ratio

21 TOTAL EFFICIENCY: (~50%) * (~80%) * (30%) = ~12%
without lenses: < 0.5% efficiency Efficiency easily improved w/: more 833-nm laser power 1397-nm laser to stimulate transition

22 Pulsed lasers  cw lasers:
CONCLUSIONS Pulsed lasers  cw lasers: 104 increase in duty cycle With 20 h data taking time, this gives total factor of 102 increase in statistical sensitivity (10 mHz level)

23 PNC DETECTION Stark-PNC Mixing A B + = Stark Mixing Stark-PNC Mixing

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