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Sharing information between projects

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1 Sharing information between projects
A brief overview of some Kew “key” projects, potential areas of overlap and possible exchange mechanisms.

2 “All plants are hybrids, but some are greater bastards than others”
Franz Thonner (photo L Grillich, Vienna 1910) from “Thonner’s analytical key to the families of flowering plants”

3 Contents … Overview of some Kew projects
Where are there areas of likely overlap between different types of project? What needs to be considered when sharing data? - Tracking taxa, characters and intellectual property. A suggestion.

4 Geographical coverage
Pioneers Database Taxonomic categories Geographical coverage Grass species spp Global Elaeocarpaceae Brunei rattans Brunei Laos rattans Laos Borneo rattans Borneo Euphorbiaceae genera Ochnaceae Salicaceae s.l. & Achariaceae s.l. Malesian plants fams/gen/spp Malesia (+ Indochina) African plants fams/gen Africa (sub Saharan) Neotropical plants fams neotropics World Grass Species Database – D. Clayton et. al Elaeocarpaceae (Elaeocarpus) – M. Coode

5 Geographical coverage
Rattans from SE Asia Database Taxonomic categories Geographical coverage Grass species spp Global Elaeocarpaceae Brunei rattans Brunei Laos rattans Laos Borneo rattans Borneo Euphorbiaceae genera Ochnaceae Salicaceae s.l. & Achariaceae s.l. Malesian plants fams/gen/spp Malesia (+ Indochina) African plants fams/gen Africa (sub Saharan) Neotropical plants fams neotropics Rattans of Brunei – Kirkup, Dransfield & Sanderson [CD] Rattans of Laos – Evans & Kirkup [CD, www] Rattans of Borneo – Dransfield & Patel [CD]

6 Geographical coverage
Malpighiales Database Taxonomic categories Geographical coverage Grass species spp Global Elaeocarpaceae Brunei rattans Brunei Laos rattans Laos Borneo rattans Borneo Euphorbiaceae genera Ochnaceae Salicaceae s.l. & Achariaceae s.l. Malesian plants fams/gen/spp Malesia (+ Indochina) African plants fams/gen Africa (sub Saharan) Neotropical plants fams neotropics Genera of Euphorbiaceae s.l. – Hoffmann, Kirkup, Galster, Challen & Radcliffe-Smith Genera of Salicaceae & Achariaceae s.l. – Zmarzty & Kirkup Genera of Ochnaceae – Kirkup [All on www]

7 Geographical coverage
Regional keys Database Taxonomic categories Geographical coverage Grass species spp Global Elaeocarpaceae Brunei rattans Brunei Laos rattans Laos Borneo rattans Borneo Euphorbiaceae genera Ochnaceae Salicaceae s.l. & Achariaceae s.l. Malesian plants fams/gen/spp Malesia (+ Indochina) African plants fams/gen Africa (sub Saharan) Neotropical plants fams neotropics Summary … Key to Malesian Plants – Malesian Key Group [CD, www] Key to African Plants – K, SANBI, WAG, Ethiopia & Kenya Key Neotropical Plant families – K others?

8 Areas of potential overlap
Upper triangle – Character concepts and feature images Lower triangle – Taxon concepts (coded descriptions) and specimen images

9 1.Tracking Taxon Concepts
Name, synonymy Literature reference Specimen lists Geographical distribution Description (which could be coded) Taxon Concept Schema (TCS) Each TC can have a unique ID

10 2. Tracking Character Concepts
Abstract part (leaf length, flower colour) Expression (leaf 5cm long, flowers blue) Usage (i.e. a list of TCs) CCs change! Structured Descriptive Data (SDD) Tracks the abstract part but not the expression (“characters” vs “states”)?? Early days … Language can be ambiguous when comparing Character Concepts Information as to usage can help eg Van Balgooy vs Watson on ovary position The fact is that Character Concepts change as taxa are scored Herb – shrub – tree Herb- subshrub-tree Herb-subshrub-shrub-treelet-tree Herb-subshrub-shrub-treelet-shopfbaum-tree Is shopfbaum the same thing as arborescent???? Concentrates on the abstract but what often gets moved about are the expressions (states)

11 GBIF TAPIR trashes SDD

12 3. Tracking IPR Copyright (images, data, software)
Database rights (structured data) Methods Partly managed by TCS and SDD standards XML so easily extended (in house) Standards would need to be formally changed

13 We could … Develop a shared feature list that would at least be useful for regional keys to higher taxa (genera). Illustrate these features with “standard” drawings and develop ways of linking to specimen & other images in TOAD. Develop methods for Concept and IPR tracking in conjunction with external projects (eg. IdentifyLife).

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