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Family Table Create a family table: Tools -> Family Table -> Add/delete the table columns -> select the items that you want to use them to form the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Table Create a family table: Tools -> Family Table -> Add/delete the table columns -> select the items that you want to use them to form the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Table Create a family table: Tools -> Family Table -> Add/delete the table columns -> select the items that you want to use them to form the first column -> OK In the pop out window add more rows: click on Insert a new instance at the selected row -> then enter the items for the row Check the data you entered: click on Verify instances of the family -> Verify -> Close

2 Example of Family Table
Part Name: GB95-85

3 ProE Mapkeys Function To create Mapkeys (Create macros): Tools -> Mapkeys -> New -> Define the parameters in the pop out window -> Record -> Perform the activites you want to record -> Stop

4 Annocenment Midterm exam is on Nov. 4, 2010.
You need to create two parts according to the sketches I give to you. After you finish, give me the *.prt files.

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